- Install the LATEST non-beta Arduino IDE: http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software and download LATEST board SAM!
- Download the MK4duo firmware: https://github.com/MagoKimbra/MK4duo (Use the green "Download Zip" button on the right)
- Some boards require special files and/or libraries from the Arduino directory. For Alligator Board add this link in Arduino IDE File -> Preferences -> Additional Boards Manager URLs: http://www.chew-z.it/download/alligator/package_Alligator_r2_index.json
- Start the Arduino IDE
- Select File -> Preferences -> "Compiler warning" and select "none"
- Select Tools -> Board -> Arduino Due (Native USB port) or Alligator Board R2 3D printer controller (USB/MCU native)
- Select the correct serial port in Tools ->Serial Port
- Open MK4duo.ino
- Click the Verify/Compile button
- Click the Upload button. If all goes well the firmware is uploading to the board!
Guida in Italiano per la compilazione dei campi. http://forums.reprap.org/read.php?352,440672