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Deployment Setup

This document details what is needed to create an environment to run FormSG in AWS.

Build and run your NodeJS app

npm install
$ npm run build
$ npm start

Deploying to AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Make sure you have created an AWS cloud environment as a prerequisite. Some of the services used are listed below:


  • AWS Elastic Beanstalk / EC2 for hosting and deployment
  • AWS Elastic File System for mounting files (i.e. SingPass/MyInfo private keys into the /certs directory)
  • AWS S3 for image and logo hosting, attachments for Storage Mode forms
  • AWS Systems Manager - Parameter Store, for holding environment variable configuration


  • Github Actions for running tests and builds
  • AWS Elastic Container Registry to host built Docker images


  • AWS VPC (with peering preferred) for managed database hosted by MongoDB Atlas
  • AWS NAT Gateway (for static IP whitelisting with SingPass)


  • MongoDB instance (we use Mongo Atlas)


  • AWS Simple Email Service with SMTP integration for sending emails to login/send OTPs/form submissions/submission autoreplies


  • Twilio for sending OTPs
  • AWS Secrets Manager (to manage user-provided or hosted Twilio credentials)

Analytics and Monitoring

  • Google Analytics

Spam protection

  • Google reCAPTCHA

Mounting Elastic File System into Docker container on Elastic Beanstalk

Please see This file is required for SingPass/MyInfo/CorpPass functionality to be enabled.

Secrets Manager (Optional)

FormSG supports storing of users' Twilio API credentials using AWS Secret Manager. There is currently no user interface for form administrators to upload their Twilio API credentials and this has to be done manually using the AWS console by developers.

Firstly, name the secret with a unique secret name and store the secret value in the following format:

  "accountSid": "<redacted>",
  "apiKey": "<redacted>",
  "apiSecret": "<redacted>",
  "messagingServiceSid": "<redacted>"

Secondly, edit the form document belonging to that specific form adminstrator by adding a msgSrvcName key and setting it to the secret name you just stored.

If no msgSrvcName is found in the form document, SMSes associated with that form will be sent out using and charged to the default Twilio API credentials.

Github Actions Secrets

The following repository secrets are set in Github Actions:

Secret Description
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS IAM access key ID used to deploy.
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS IAM access secret used to deploy.
ECR_REPO ECR Repository which stores the docker images.
BUCKET_NAME S3 Bucket used to store zipped

There are also environment secrets for each environment (staging, staging-alt, release, uat):

Secret Description
APP_NAME Application name for the environment.
DEPLOY_ENV Deployment environment on elastic beanstalk.
REACT_APP_FORMSG_SDK_MODE Determines the keys used in the formsg SDK. Set either production or staging.

Environment Variables

These are configured by creating groups of environment variables formatted like .env files in the Parameter Store of AWS Service Manager. These groups have names formatted as <environment>-<category>.

The environment for each group is user-defined, and should be specified in the Elastic Beanstalk configuration as the environment variable SSM_PREFIX. The specific environment is user-defined, and should be specified in the Elastic Beanstalk configuration as the environment variable SSM_ENV_SITE_NAME. This variable is optional.

The list of categories can be inferred by looking at the file .ebextensions/env-file-creation.config.

Core Features

AWS Systems Manager

Variable Description
SSM_PREFIX String prefix (typically the environment type) for AWS SSM parameter names to create a .env file for FormSG. (staging, prod, uat)
SECRET_ENV String (typically the environment type) to be used in building of AWS Secrets Manager keys in different environments.
SSM_ENV_SITE_NAME String (the specific environment site name) to be used in building of AWS Secrets Manager keys in different environments. (staging, staging-alt, staging-alt2, prod, uat)

App Config

Variable Description
APP_NAME Application name in window title; also used as an identifier for MyInfo. Defaults to 'FormSG'.
APP_DESC Defaults to 'Form Manager for Government'.
APP_URL Defaults to ''.
APP_KEYWORDS Defaults to 'forms, formbuilder, nodejs'.
APP_IMAGES Defaults to '/public/modules/core/img/og/img_metatag.png,/public/modules/core/img/og/logo-vertical-color.png'.
APP_TWITTER_IMAGE Path to Twitter image. Defaults to '/public/modules/core/img/og/logo-vertical-color.png'.

App and Database

Variable Description
OTP_LIFE_SPAN Time in milliseconds that admin login OTP is valid for. Defaults to 900000ms or 15 minutes.
PORT Server port. Defaults to 5000.
NODE_ENV Express environment mode. Defaults to 'production'. This should always be set to a production environment
SESSION_SECRET Secret for express-session for session management. This should always be set to a secret and random value in a production environment.
SUBMISSIONS_TOP_UP Use this to inflate the number of submissions displayed on the landing page. Defaults to 0.


These environment variables allow us to set notification banners in the application without a full redeployment of the application. Note the hierarchy of the banner content.

In addition, you can change the color of the banner by adding a type encoding in the environment variable string. The default banner type will be info if no encoding is provided.

The possible banner type prefixes are: info:, warn:, and error:. Other prefixes will not work and the invalid prefixes will be shown in the banner text.


SITE_BANNER_CONTENT=info:This is an info banner. You can also add links in the text like There is also a dismiss button to the right of the text.

Info banner example

SITE_BANNER_CONTENT=warn:This is a warning banner. You can also add links in the text like

Warning banner example

SITE_BANNER_CONTENT=error:This is an error banner. You can also add links in the text like

Error banner example

SITE_BANNER_CONTENT=hello:This is an invalid banner type, and the full text will be shown. The default banner type of `info` will used.

Invalid banner default example

Variable Description
SITE_BANNER_CONTENT If set, displays a banner message on both private routes that ADMIN_BANNER_CONTENT covers and public form routes that IS_GENERAL_MAINTENANCE covers. Overrides all other banner environment variables
ADMIN_BANNER_CONTENT If set, displays a banner message on private admin routes such as the form list page as well as form builder pages.
IS_LOGIN_BANNER If set, displays a banner message on the login page.
IS_GENERAL_MAINTENANCE If set, displays a banner message on all forms. Overrides IS_SP_MAINTENANCE and IS_CP_MAINTENANCE.
MYINFO_BANNER_CONTENT all public MyInfo-enabled forms
IS_SP_MAINTENANCE all public SingPass-enabled forms
IS_CP_MAINTENANCE all public CorpPass-enabled forms

Note that if more than one of the above environment variables are defined, only one environment variable will be used to display the given values.

For public form routes, only one environment variable will be read in the following precedence: SITE_BANNER_CONTENT > IS_GENERAL_MAINTENANCE > IS_SP_MAINTENANCE > IS_CP_MAINTENANCE

For private form routes, only one environment variable will be read in the following precendence: SITE_BANNER_CONTENT > ADMIN_BANNER_CONTENT

For the login page, only one environment variable will be read in the following precendence: SITE_BANNER_CONTENT > IS_LOGIN_BANNER

AWS services

Variable Description
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS IAM access key ID used to access S3.
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS IAM access secret used to access S3.
AWS_ENDPOINT AWS S3 bucket endpoint.
IMAGE_S3_BUCKET Name of S3 bucket for image field uploads.
STATIC_ASSETS_S3_BUCKET Name of S3 bucket for static assets.
LOGO_S3_BUCKET Name of S3 bucket for form logo uploads.
ATTACHMENT_S3_BUCKET Name of S3 bucket for attachment uploads on Storage Mode.
CUSTOM_CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP Name of CloudWatch log group to send custom logs. Use this if you want some logs to have custom settings, e.g. shorter expiry time.
Variable Description
FORMSG_SDK_MODE The mode to instantiate the sdk with.

Email and Nodemailer

Variable Description
SES_HOST SMTP hostname.
SES_PORT SMTP port number.
SES_USER SMTP username.
SES_PASS SMTP password.
SES_MAX_MESSAGES Nodemailer configuration. Connection removed and new one created when this limit is reached. This helps to keep the connection up-to-date for long-running email messaging. Defaults to 100.
SES_POOL Connection pool to send email in parallel to the SMTP server. Defaults to 38.
MAIL_FROM Sender email address. Defaults to ''.
MAIL_SOCKET_TIMEOUT Milliseconds of inactivity to allow before killing a connection. This helps to keep the connection up-to-date for long-running email messaging. Defaults to 600000.
MAIL_LOGGER If set to true then logs to console. If value is not set or is false then nothing is logged.
MAIL_DEBUG If set to true, then logs SMTP traffic, otherwise logs only transaction events.
CHROMIUM_BIN Filepath to chromium binary. Required for email autoreply PDF generation with Puppeteer.
BOUNCE_LIFE_SPAN Time in milliseconds that bounces are tracked for each form. Defaults to 86400000ms or 24 hours. Only relevant if you have set up AWS to send bounce and delivery notifications to the /emailnotifications endpoint.

Rate limits at specific endpoints

The app applies per-minute, per-IP rate limits at specific API endpoints as a security measure. The limits can be specified with the following environment variables.

Variable Description
SUBMISSIONS_RATE_LIMIT Per-minute, per-IP request limit for each submissions endpoint. The limit is applied separately for the email mode and encrypt mode endpoints.
SEND_AUTH_OTP_RATE_LIMIT Per-minute, per-IP request limit for the endpoint which requests for new login OTPs for the admin console or mobile / email field verifications.

Additional Features

The app contains a number of additional features like Captcha protection, Sentry reporting and Google Analytics. Each of these features requires specific environment variables which are detailed below.

Google Captcha

Forms can be protected with recaptcha, preventing submissions from being made by bots.

Variable Description
GOOGLE_CAPTCHA Google Captcha private key
GOOGLE_CAPTCHA_PUBLIC Google Captcha public key.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is used to track website traffic. Examples of events include number of visits to various forms, number of successful submissions and number of submission failures.

Variable Description
REACT_APP_GA_TRACKING_ID Google Analytics tracking ID.

Client-side error events are piped to for monitoring purposes.

Variable Description
CSP_REPORT_URI Reporting URL for Content Security Policy violdations. Can be configured to use a endpoint.
SENTRY_CONFIG_URL URL for configuring the Raven SDK.
CSP_REPORT_URI Reporting URL for Content Security Policy violdations. Can be configured to use a endpoint.

SMS with Twilio

The Mobile Number field supports form-fillers verifying their mobile numbers via a One-Time-Pin sent to their mobile phones. All messages are sent using Twilio messaging APIs.

Note that verifying mobile numbers also requires the environment variables for verified Emails/SMSes.

Variable Description
TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID Twilio messaging ID.
TWILIO_API_KEY Twilio standard API Key.

SingPass/CorpPass and MyInfo

Submissions can be authenticated via SingPass (Singapore's Digital Identity for Citizens) and CorpPass (Singapore's Digital Identity for Organizations). Forms can also be pre-filled using MyInfo after a citizen has successfully authenticated using SingPass.

Note that MyInfo is currently not supported for storage mode forms and enabling SingPass/CorpPass on storage mode forms also requires SingPass/CorpPass for Storage Mode to be enabled.

Variable Description
SPCP_COOKIE_MAX_AGE_PRESERVED Duration of SingPass JWT before expiry in milliseconds. Defaults to 30 days.
SINGPASS_ESRVC_ID e-service ID registered with National Digital Identity office for SingPass authentication. Needed for MyInfo.
SP_OIDC_RP_CLIENT_ID The Relying Party's Singpass Client ID as registered with NDI
SP_OIDC_RP_REDIRECT_URL The Relying Party's Singpass Redirect URL
SP_OIDC_RP_JWKS_PUBLIC_PATH Path to the Relying Party's Public Json Web Key Set used for Singpass-related communication with NDI. This will be hosted at /singpass/.well-known/jwks.json endpoint.
SP_OIDC_RP_JWKS_SECRET_PATH Path to the Relying Party's Secret Json Web Key Set used for Singpass-related communication with NDI
CP_OIDC_RP_CLIENT_ID The Relying Party's Corppass Client ID as registered with NDI
CP_OIDC_RP_REDIRECT_URL The Relying Party's Corppass Redirect URL
CP_OIDC_RP_JWKS_PUBLIC_PATH Path to the Relying Party's Public Json Web Key Set used for Corppass-related communication with NDI. This will be hosted at api/v3/corppass/.well-known/jwks.json endpoint.
CP_OIDC_RP_JWKS_SECRET_PATH Path to the Relying Party's Secret Json Web Key Set used for Corppass-related communication with NDI
MYINFO_CLIENT_CONFIG Configures MyInfoGovClient. Set this to eitherstg or prod to fetch MyInfo data from the corresponding endpoints.
MYINFO_FORMSG_KEY_PATH Filepath to MyInfo private key, which is used to decrypt data and sign requests when communicating with MyInfo.
MYINFO_CERT_PATH Path to MyInfo's public certificate, which is used to verify their signature.
MYINFO_CLIENT_ID Client ID registered with MyInfo.
MYINFO_CLIENT_SECRET Client secret registered with MyInfo.
MYINFO_JWT_SECRET Secret for signing MyInfo JWT.
IS_SP_MAINTENANCE If set, displays a banner message on SingPass forms. Overrides IS_CP_MAINTENANCE.
IS_CP_MAINTENANCE If set, displays a banner message on CorpPass forms.
FILE_SYSTEM_ID The id of the AWS Elastic File System (EFS) file system to mount onto the instances.
CERT_PATH The specific directory within the network file system that is to be mounted. This directory is expected to contain the public certs and private keys relevant to SingPass, CorpPass and MyInfo.

Verified Emails/SMSes

The Mobile Number and Email fields support form-fillers verifying their contact details via a One-Time-Pin.

Note that verified SMSes also require SMS with Twilio to be enabled.

Variable Description
VERIFICATION_SECRET_KEY The secret key for signing verified responses (email, mobile).

Webhooks and SingPass/CorpPass for Storage Mode

Form admins can configure their Storage mode forms to POST encrypted form submissions to a REST API supplied by the form creator. The FormSG SDK can then be used to verify the signed posted data and decrypt the encrypted submission contained within.

These environment variables also allow Storage mode forms to support authentication via SingPass or CorpPass. Note that this also requires SingPass/CorpPass and MyInfo to be enabled.

Variable Description
SIGNING_SECRET_KEY The secret key for signing verified content passed into the database.


Variable Description
MONGO_BINARY_VERSION Version of the Mongo binary used. Defaults to 'latest' according to MongoMemoryServer docs.
PWD Path of working directory.
MOCK_WEBHOOK_CONFIG_FILE Path of configuration file for mock webhook server
MOCK_WEBHOOK_PORT Port of mock webhook server