This repo is currently just one script that displays "triggered" incidents from pagerduty. Useful stuff if you spend all day on the command line and hate checking a website constantly. I'd like to add an option so I can just display counts or a boolean value for tmux's status line too.
Add your api key and org from the url you use to access pagerduty into your environment. I added the following lines into my ~/.bashrc.
export PGDuty_API_KEY='gobbledygoodandgibberish'
export PGDuty_ORG='mycoolcompany'
Pagerduty CLI Stuff
- Conf file, ~/.pgcli.conf to keep config out of the environment and I'd like to do some better handling of the api key
- Add a "watch" like feature so I don't have to externally use watch to keep running the command
- Make noise? Flash the screen? User configured script execute? When a new incident shows up.
- Add incident ACK
- Add incident Resolve
- Maybe re-use TCP session and do cookie handling
- Curses?
- Simple tmux status line output: T: # A: #. For the (T)riggered count and (A)cknowledged count respectivly.
Reference: PagerDuty REST API reference: