git clone latest code from master branch at
Open terminal on mac (press command + space and type in terminal and hit enter) Type following commands sequentially
$ cd ~/Desktop/DukeClinicalRegexTest-master/
$ sudo easy_install pip
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 src/
Once downloaded please go to downloads folder and click ClinicalRegexv1.1 to start the program
Windows defender may try to prevent the program from opening but please Run Anyway
The Graphical user interface will open and please hit select file
Please select an RPDR format file to be searched by the program
Type in text to be searched in each RPDR note and press the "Run Regex" button
The program will then go through each note. Enter annotated value, press "Save" and then hit "Next" at the top of the screen
Repeat this through each note until the end of the file