A CLI tool that uses python-twitter to fetch information about all followers of a Twitter user, and stores them in an SQLite DB.
It has been written with the most popular Twitter celebrities in mind, as a long-running program:
- Handles Twitter rate-limits well.
- Stores data in a DB.
- Keeps track of progress at a granular level so that the program can be stopped and resumed without making duplicate Twitter API calls. (It is not optimized to minimize disk IO.)
When creating credentials for your Twitter App make sure to get read-only access.
Save the credentials locally in a JSON like:
"consumer_key": "YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY",
"consumer_secret": "YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET",
"access_token_key": "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY",
"access_token_secret": "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET"
Remember to not commit/upload these credentials anywhere.
- Add few useful functions for actual analysis of data.
- Add support for storing data about more than one user. (Currently, all data in a DB is expected to belong to a single Twitter user. Consequently cross-user analysis gets complicated.)