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File metadata and controls

executable file
114 lines (73 loc) · 3.61 KB


Table of content:

  1. Installation guide
  2. Source guide
  3. Documentation

Installation guide

The installation guide is prepared under the assumption that OpenFOAM is installed in standard location: /opt/OpenFoam-8/

To install the 'porousGasificationFoam':

  1. Set the OpenFOAM environmental paths by typing (modify the command if your OpenFOAM is installed elsewhere):

    $ source /opt/OpenFoam-8/etc/bashrc

  2. check the environmental settings

    • run any OpenFOAM solver, e.g. icoFoam -help
    • type: $ echo $WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR
  3. Optionally change the destination path. The default path is: $WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR/. To change destination path edit file porousGasificationMediaDirectories located in the library installation folder.

  4. Set the package environment by typing:

    $ source porousGasificationMediaDirectories

  5. Run the install script:

    $ . ./Allwmake

  6. Test the installation by running the solver:

    $ porousGasificationFoam

In case of errors:

  1. Make sure the OpenFoam and all required packaches have been correctly installed, by testing one of the tutorial cases provided with OpenFOAM. For more information on installing OpenFoam vist OpenFOAM Foundation website.

  2. Open new terminal and again set the nessesary paths:

    $ source source /opt/OpenFoam-8/etc/bashrc
    $ source <PATH TO porousGasificationMediaDirectories>/porousGasificationMediaDirectiories

  3. Check the setting:

    run: icoFoam -help (output should be 'usage info')
    echo $WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR (typically $HOME/OpenFoam/<user_name>-8/
    echo $FOAM_HGS (typically $HOME/OpenFoam/<user_name>-8/porousGasificationMedia)\

    If missing set these variables manually.

  4. Run instalaltion script and check for errors:

    ./Allwmake > log_install &

Source guide

Installation part

Files for installation and sourcing paths:

  • ./ -- readme file

  • ./porousGasificationMediaDirectories -- file with enviromental variables needed for the installation

  • ./Allwmake -- installation script

porousGasificationFoam -- solver

porousGasificationFoam's main code, that uses porousGasificationMedia library. All calculations are scheduled here.

porousGasificationMedia -- library

porousGasificationMedia library inculding four major parts:

  1. pyrolysisModels -- classes that evaluate porous medium state and properties.
  2. thermophysicalModels -- implementation of thermophysical and chemical properties od porous medium.
  3. fieldPorosityModel -- implementation of mechanical properties of porous medium.
  4. radiationModels -- heterogeneous radiation model


  1. setPorosity -- utility for creating porosity fields:
    • porosityF -- porosity field
    • Df -- Darcy porous resitance tensor
  2. totalMassPorousGasificationFoam -- Integrate solid state mass over the whole computational domain. The calculation is performed for each stored time step.


The documentation of the model can be generated with Doxygen. To build the documentation the doxygen and the graphviz packages are required. For Ubuntu users the packages can be obtained with the following command:

$ sudo apt-get install doxygen graphviz

To generate the documentation go to the $POROUS_DOC_SRC/doc/Doxygen directory and type:

$ ./Allwmake

In order to view the documentation open the $WM_PROJECT_DIR/doc/Doxygen/html/index.html in a desired internet browser.