Groups - Added new option to send messages to group members from the group
Messages - Improved the logic for deleting your messages from a conversation
Messages - When a member is deleted, notifications about their messages are removed
Profiles - Added 'Twitch' as option in 'Social Networks' profile field
Profiles - Fixed issue when saving 'Date' field to the date January 1, 1970
Forums - Fixed minor issues when @mentioning other members in forums
Forums - Fixed settings for 'Disallow editing after' time limit not working
Activity - Fixed link preview image not always displaying in activity posts
Activity - Fixed video embeds not displaying after editing the post in admin
Connections - Display 'More' button on Connections widget when list is maxed out
Connections - Fixed inconsistent display of Connections based on profile type
Widgets - Fixed the member counts showing incorrect in 'Who's Online' widget
Email Invites - Added ability to invite between 1 to 20 members at once
Emails - Now sending emails through the WordPress core wp_mail function
Admin - Fixed 'Screen Options > Pagination' not saving in admin for Activity and Groups
Developers - Added code filter to extend DropzoneJS image resize options
Compatibility - Fixed minor code issues with PHP 7.4
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