A fork of @qerub's Clojure library for word case conversions.
We were having problems AOT compiling code on a Mac
(due to some function names that differ only in case, as described in the original readme) and
had a few key names that don't map neatly onto the original csk model (:s3-key
for example),
so we decided it was easier to fork the project than deal with changing our project build
and having code to manage the exeptions. Thanks to @qerub for a great project though.
We've reduced and simplified the functions available to the following:
There are no type converting functions (you get back the type you put in),
and nothing to uppercase or lower case a string. Numbers don't act as separators,
so (snake-case :s3-key) ; => :s3_key
, and (kebab-case "Adler123") => "adler123"
It's a tradeoff but it's the one that works for us.
Original repo and readme at https://github.com/qerub/camel-snake-kebab.
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Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.