- Fixed issue preventing multiple listeners to the stream
- Added auto retry mechanism to connect on error or on backend downtime
- Fixed issue with backend returning 4xx
- Handled memory leak issue with the stream closing
- Updated http version to be compatible with the latest http package
[2.0.0] - Ability to choose between GET and POST request and send a body with the request[BREAKING CHANGE] and some additional code refactoring and bug fixes
- The request type can now be manually set
- Ability to pass the request body with the request
- Safe close of the sink added as well which was causing some minor crashes
- Stability changes in the model to handle null safety
[2.0.0-beta.1] - Ability to choose between GET and POST request and send a body with the request[BREAKING CHANGE]
- The request type can now be manually set
- Ability to pass the request body with the request
- Safe close of the sink added as well which was causing some minor crashes
- Added ability to send custom headers
- Added error handling
- Added In-line documentation
- Fixed issue causing stackoverflow while loading large chunk data stream
Added a example dart file for consuming the event
Refactored the code to remove redundancy
Fixed issue causing large responses to be split
Improved the way UTF8 Encoder was used
- The package is now null safe
- Unused imports have been removed