Window Maker with Composition Effects
Install latest version of Window Maker (Window Manager).
You can install it from your distro package manager (recommended) or build it from this sources.
Window Maker is the GNU window manager for the X Window System. It was designed to emulate the look and feel of part of the NEXTSTEP(tm) GUI. It's supposed to be relatively fast and small, feature rich, easy to configure and easy to use, with a simple and elegant appearance borrowed from NEXTSTEP(tm). Window Maker was designed keeping integration with GNUstep in mind and is the "official" window manager for it. It is also part of the GNU project ( Read more about GNUstep further on this file.
Then choose a composite manager to install (you can install all of them):
xcompmgr is a sample compositing manager for X servers supporting the XFIXES, DAMAGE, RENDER, and COMPOSITE extensions. It enables basic eye-candy effects.
Compton is a compositor for X, and a fork of xcompmgr-dana.
Compton was forked from Dana Jansens' fork of xcompmgr and refactored.
Cairo Composite Manager is a versatile and extensible composite manager which use cairo for rendering. Plugins can be used to add some cool effects to your desktop.
Edit the file "~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/autostart", and uncomment a composite manager.
# xcompmgr -d "$DISPLAY" -f -F -I -O -c -r3 -o.60 -l0 -t0 -D3 &
compton -d "$DISPLAY" \
-r 6 -o .90 -l -3 -t -3 -I -O -D 5 -e 1.0 -i 0.8 -c \
--dbus --vsync opengl --xrender-sync \
--unredir-if-possible --glx-no-stencil \
--detect-transient --sw-opti --paint-on-overlay \
--detect-rounded-corners &
# compton -d "$DISPLAY" -r 12 -o .60 -l -5 -t -5 -I -O -D 5 -e 1.0 -i 0.8 -c --dbus &
Edit the file "~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/autoexit", and uncomment the same composite manager as before.
Start or restart WindowMaker, now you can setup your desktop!
Have fun!