BsbDoctrineMysqlSpacial is a ZF2 module that provides basic MySQL spatial data functionality.
BsbDoctrineMysqlSpacial installs with Composer. To install it into your project, just add the following line into your project composer.json file:
"require": {
"bushbaby/bsb-doctrine-mysql-spacial": "~1.0"
Update your project by runnning composer.phar
Finally enable the module by adding BsbDoctrineMysqlSpacial in your application.config.php file.
After you enable the module doctrine is capable of using the provided extensions. However it only does this for orm_default.
To enable it for other named connections copy config/
to the config\autoload
directory of your project and modify it to include the appropiate named information.
to do
Many thanks and credits should go as this module is basicly a paste-n-copy implementation.