* TypeScript.
* GraphQL.
* TypeGraphQL.
* TypeORM.
* PostgreSQL.
* React.
* Apollo.
1 - [x] Setup GraphQL Server using TypeGraphQL and TypeORM.
2 - [x] Register a user.
3 - [x] Login an create access and refresh tokens.
4 - [x] Authenticated mutations/queries.
5 - [x] Refrehs the token.
6 - [x] Revoke tokens for a user.
1 - [x] Setup Apollo and GraphQL Code Generator.
2 - [x] React Router.
3 - [x] Register/Login.
4 - [x] Persisting session on refresh.
5 - [x] Handling expired tokens.
6 - [x] Fetching current user in header.
7 - [x] Logout.