basically some fun formula to render an osu! image.
inspired by tienei's tinybot.
My Discord app Neko has some backend logic to handle its card rendering, but I was lazy there so I copied everything off tienei's repo and mocked everything so badly it takes up to 30 seconds to render something. And the idea is not organized at all.
So here we are, an attempt to make something better with a different approach. I have some plannings, sure, but this code is far from optimized for some on-demand rendering.
osu!std's player scorings are from yorunoken, in their fun-api repo. I just used the calculations there directly, just so I don't have to handle files download or things like that.
osu!taiko, osu!catch and osu!mania's formulas are copied directly (with some taiko adjustments) from tienei's tinybot repo.
Thanks a lot for providing these so this project is possible.
I don't expect the code to be readable or clean. I put no comments here, like at all, because I was and still am running deadlines. Just comment out lines and see what it does if you need to know it.
License, MIT license, read that file. I don't have any other requirements, this is a learning project pushed to production. Make sure to put in secret keys, logics stay in files.
- Refactor render code
- Comment on things
- Fix bugs
- More features
No idea if I'll ever make these, anyway.