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The PRSmix package can be used to benchmark PRSs and compute the linear combination of trait-specific scores (PRSmix) and cross-trait scores (PRSmix+) to improve prediction accuracy.


To use PRSmix:



We demonstrate the usage of PRSmix with PGS obtained from (but not limited to) PGS catalog and evaluated on an independent cohort. The steps are:

  1. Harmonize SNP effect sizes to the risk alleles (with harmonize_snpeffect_toALT function)
  2. Calculate PRS with all scores (with compute_PRS function)
  3. Evaluate PRSs and performed linear combination: trait-specific (PRSmix) and cross-trait (PRSmix+) (with combine_PRS function)


  • If you already have the PRSs estimated in the target cohort (e.g. similar to plink2 format) with _SUM columns (via --score <your SNP effect file> cols=+scoresums no-mean-imputation) and want to benchmark and combine scores, you can directly go to step 3 (evaluate and perform linear combination of the scores) with the combine_PRS function. If you want to return the adjusted SNP effect sizes, you will need the harmonized SNP effect sizes to the alternative allele of the target cohort (Step 1).


  • If you want to evaluate a single score, you can use the eval_single_PRS function (described below).

1. Harmonize per-allele effect sizes to the same risk allele

The harmonize_snpeffect_toALT function:

Argument Default Description
ref_file Reference file contain SNP ID (ID), reference allele (REF) and alternative allele (ALT) columns (e.g allele frequency output --freq from PLINK2)
pgs_folder Directory to folder contain each PGS per-allele SNP effect sizes ending with .txt
pgs_list File contain suffixes of file names (don't include suffix .txt) of single PGS on each line. The files must exist in the pgs_folder folder
out Filename of the output for the weight file
isheader TRUE TRUE if the weight files contain header, otherwise the file would be read as SNP IDs, effect allele and effect size for column 1, 2, 3, respectively
snp_col SNP Column name of SNP IDs. Can be a number of column index with isheader=FALSE
a1_col A1 Column name of effect allele. Can be a number of column index with isheader=FALSE
beta_col BETA Column name of effect size. Can be a number of column index with isheader=FALSE
ncores 1 Number of cores for parallel processing
chunk_size 1 Number of scores to process each chunk

For example:

The ref_file contains 3 columns: ID, REF and ALT (This could be called via PLINK2 to calculate the allele frequencies in your target data with --freq):

rs1 A G
rs2 T G
rs3 G A

In the pgs_folder directory (i.e. ~/example/allPGScatalog/), there are files of per-allele SNP effect sizes: PGS000001.txt, PGS000002.txt. Each of the PGS will contains 3 columns: SNP, A1, BETA represent SNP ID, Effect allele and Effect size, respectively.

I.e. The SNP effect size file PGS000001.txt contains:

rs1 A 0.01
rs2 T 0.02
rs3 G 0.03

The SNP effect size file PGS000002.txt contains:

rs1 A 0
rs2 T 0.03

The pgs_list (i.e. ~/example/allscoresID.txt) file will contain (please don't include suffix .txt as this will be the name of the computed PRSs below and our package can automatically add this suffix):


Optional: To split all scores into smaller chunks: E.g. for 20 scores/chunk and 16 cores at once:

chunk_size = 20
ncores = 16

Then, to harmonize SNP effect sizes:

	ref_file = "~/example/geno.afreq", 
	pgs_folder = "~/example/allPGScatalog/",
	pgs_list = "~/example/allscoresID.txt",
	snp_col = 1,
	a1_col = 2,
	beta_col = 3,
	isheader = F,
	chunk_size = 20,
	ncores = 16,
	out = "~/example/weights.txt"

The output file will contains SNP ID, A1, A2, and columns of SNP effect sizes harmonized to the A1 (alternative) allele. For example:

SNP A1 A2 PGS000001 PGS000002 ...
rs1 A G 0.01 0 ...
rs2 T G 0.02 0.03 ...
rs3 G A 0.03 0 ...

2. Compute PRSs for all scores

The compute_PRS function:

Argument Default Description
geno Prefix of genotype file in plink format (bed/bim/fam)
weight_file The per-allele SNP effect output from harmonize_snpeffect_toALT function above
plink2_path Path to executable PLINK2 (downloaded from
start_col 4 Index of the starting column of SNP effect sizes to estimate PRS in the weight file
out Name of output file, suffix sscore from PLINK2 will be added

Then, to compute PRSs:

	geno = "~/example/geno",
	weight_file = "~/example/weights.txt",
	plink2_path = "./plink2",
	start_col = 4,
	out = "~/example/pgs"

The output contains multiple column names ending with _SUM (and _AVG) represent for PGS for each set of SNP effect.


See more at:

3. Perform linear combination: trait-specific (PRSmix) and cross-trait (PRSmix+)

The combine_PRS function:

Argument Default Description
pheno_file Directory to the phenotype file
covariate_file Directory to file with covariate information (age,sex,PC1..10)
score_files_list A vector contains directories of the PGSs to be read as result of the compute_PRS function
trait_specific_score_file A filename contain PGS IDs of trait-specific to combine (PRSmix), one score per line
pheno_name Column name of the phenotype in phenofile
isbinary TRUE if the phenotype is a binary trait
out Prefix of output
liabilityR2 FALSE TRUE if liability R2 should be reported, otherwise partial R2 (for continuous traits) or Nagelkerke R2 (for binary traits) will be reported
IID_pheno IID Column name of IID of phenotype file (e.g IID, person_id)
covar_list c("age", "sex", paste0("PC", 1:10)) A vector of of covariates, must exists as columns in covariate_file
cat_covar_list sex Array of categorical covariates, must exists as columns in covariate_file. The program will generate dummy columns
ncores 1 Number of CPU cores for parallel processing
is_extract_adjSNPeff FALSE TRUE if extract adjusted SNP effects from PRSmix and PRSmix+, FALSE if only calculate the combined PRS as linear combination of PRS x mixing weights. May consume extended memory
original_beta_files_list NULL The vector contains directories to SNP effect sizes used to compute original PRSs (as weight_file argument from compute PRS above)
train_size_list NULL A vector of training sample sizes. If NULL, a random 80% of the samples will be used
power_thres_list 0.95 A vector of power thresholds to select scores
pval_thres_list 0.05 A vector of P-value thresholds to select scores
read_pred_training FALSE TRUE if PRSs were assessed in the training set was already run and can be read from file
read_pred_testing FALSE TRUE if PRSs were assessed in the testing set was already run and can be read from file

The output of the combination framework contains several files:

Description Suffix
The number of cases and controls (for binary trait) _case_counts.txt
The dataframe of training and testing sample split from the main dataframe _train_df.txt and _test_df.txt
The prediction accuracy in the training set for all PRSs _train_allPRS.txt
The prediction accuracy in the testing set for trait-specific PRSs _test_allPRS.txt
The prediction accuracy assessed in the testing set of the best PRS selected from the training set _best_acc.txt
The AUC (for binary trait) of the NULL model of only covariates, the best PGS, PRSmix and PRSmix+ (adjusted for covariates) _auc_NULL.txt, _auc_BestPGS.txt, _auc_PRSmix.txt and _auc_PRSmixPlus.txt
Odds Ratio of the best PGS, PRSmix and PRSmix+ (for binary trait) (adjusted for covariates) _OR_bestPGS.txt, _OR_PRSmix.txt and _OR_PRSmixPlus.txt
The mixing weights of the scores used in combination _weight_PRSmix.txt and _weight_PRSmixPlus.txt
The adjusted SNP effects to estimate PRSmix and PRSmix+ (if is_extract_adjSNPeff=TRUE) _adjSNPeff_PRSmix.txt and _adjSNPeff_PRSmixPlus.txt
The prediction accuracy of PRSmix and PRSmix+ _test_summary_traitPRS_withPRSmix.txt and _test_summary_traitPRS_withPRSmixPlus.txt

For example,

The pheno_file would be formatted as:

1 1 1
2 2 0


pheno_name = "CAD"
isbinary = TRUE
liabilityR2 = TRUE # FALSE if Nagelkerke R2 should be reported
IID_pheno = "IID"

covariate_file as:

FID IID sex age PC1 ... PC10
1 1 1 40 0.02 ... 0.03
2 2 0 50 0.01 ... 0.04


covar_list = c("sex", "age", "PC1", "PC2", "PC3", "PC4", "PC5", "PC6", "PC7", "PC8", "PC9", "PC10")
cat_covar_list = c("sex")

trait_specific_score_file as (i.e. PGS IDs for EFO_0001645 of coronary artery disease from PGS Catalog):


Other parameters could be:

ncores = 4
is_extract_adjSNPeff = TRUE
original_beta_files_list = "~/example/weights.txt"
train_size_list = NULL # randomly split 80% of the data as the training set
power_thres_list = 0.95
pval_thres_list = 0.05/2600 # P-value after Bonferroni correction
read_pred_training = FALSE
read_pred_testing = FALSE

To run the linear combination (PRSmix and PRSmix+):

	pheno_file = "~/example/phenotype.txt",
	covariate_file = "~/example/covariate.txt",
	score_files_list = c("~/example/pgs.sscore"),
	trait_specific_score_file = "cad_list.txt",
	pheno_name = "CAD",
	isbinary = TRUE,
	out = "CAD_test_",
	liabilityR2 = TRUE,
	IID_pheno = "IID",
	covar_list = c("age", "sex", "PC1", "PC2", "PC3", "PC4", "PC5", "PC6", "PC7", "PC8", "PC9", "PC10"),
	cat_covar_list = c("sex"),
	ncores = 4,
	is_extract_adjSNPeff = TRUE,
	original_beta_files_list = "~/example/weights.txt",
	train_size_list = NULL,
	power_thres_list = 0.95,
	pval_thres_list = 0.05/2600,
	read_pred_training = FALSE,
	read_pred_testing = FALSE


The eval_single_PRS function can be used to evaluate a single score and return prediction accuracy R2 as partial R2, liability R2 or Nagelkerke R2:

Argument Default Description
data_df Data to assess prediction accuracy which at least contains the phenotype, covariates and a PRS
pheno Name of phenotype column
prs_name PGS list of the trait, must exist in the column name of data_df
covar_list Array of covariates, must exist in the column name of data_df
isbinary FALSE TRUE if the phenotype is a binary trait
liabilityR2 FALSE TRUE if liability R2 should be reported, otherwise partial R2 (for continuous traits) or Nagelkerke R2 (for binary traits) will be reported

For example: data_df can be formatted as:

CAD PRS_example sex age PC1 ... PC10
1 0.02 1 40 0.02 ... 0.03
0 0.03 0 50 0.01 ... 0.04

Therefore, to evaluate PRS_example:

	pheno = "CAD",
	prs_name = "PRS_example",
	covar_list = c("age", "sex", "PC1", "PC2", "PC3", "PC4", "PC5", "PC6", "PC7", "PC8", "PC9", "PC10"),
	isbinary = TRUE,
	liabilityR2 = TRUE

The output of the function will contain the R2, standard error, 95% lower and upper bound, P-value and power


Truong, B., Hull, L. E., Ruan, Y., Huang, Q. Q., Hornsby, W., Martin, H. C., van Heel, D. A., Wang, Y., Martin, A. R., Lee, H. and Natarajan, P. 2023. "Integrative Polygenic Risk Score Improves The Prediction Accuracy Of Complex Traits And Diseases". doi:10.1101/2023.02.21.23286110.

Contact information

Please contact Buu Truong ( or Pradeep Natarajan ( if you have any queries.


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