Our library application will manage a collection books, both physical and digital. Core functionality of the application will allow Users will be able to Add, Remove, and Search books in their library.
Install Instructions:
- git clone https://www.github.com/bwbryant1/Library.git
- pip3 install virtualenv
- virtualenv -p python libraryDev #this makes a virtual environment to test out software, without installing all the dependencies on your computer
- cp -R Library/ libraryDev/ #Make a development copy of the module
- cd libraryDev/
- source bin/activate #This activates the virtual environment. It has its own python3 local installation that you can destroy and mess things up with
- pip3 install pyqt5
- python3 setup.py install
- libraryman
Develop Install Instructions:
- Same as 1-7 before
- python3 setup.py develop
- libraryman And then close application when done
- make some feature change
- libraryman application will now run, reflecting the changes you made to source code
- *when satified with the change, overwrite the changed file to the ./Library/ dir outside of ./libraryDev *
When done with development:
- deactivate
- cd ../Library/
- git add *
- git commit -m "made some feature change, etc.."
- git push