- Igor Pro 8.0 or later
- Scienta Omicron Vernissage 2.4.1 (32-bit or 64-bit)
- Windows 10
- Install Igor Pro
- Start Igor, this will create a folder called WaveMetrics in "My Documents"
- Install Vernissage
- Install vcredist_x86.exe/vcredist_x64.exe (Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package x86/x64) shipped with the XOP.
- Copy "matrixfilereader.xop" to "My Documents\WaveMetrics\Igor Pro X User Files\Igor extensions"
- Copy "matrixfilereader Help.ihf" to "My Documents\WaveMetrics\Igor Pro X User Files\Igor Help files"
- Restart Igor
- Load the experiment matrixfilereader-basic-gui.pxp which includes a basic GUI for easy access to the XOP operations.
- Visual Studio 2013 Community/Professional with 1
- Vernissage and the corresponding SDK
- XOP Toolkit 8.01
- Boost 1.55
- Igor Pro
- Close all Igor instances
- Open MatrixFileReader.sln
- Adjust the path where the XOP should be copied by editing copyfiles-32.bat/copyfiles-64.bat
- Build it (
Build->Rebuild Solution
) - The XOP and the help file is automatically copied to the location given earlier
- Always compile the "Release" version. The "Debug" version can not be used with the Vernissage DLLs.
- If you want to add new operations have a look at
Operation-Template-Generator.pxp which uses
. - Each header file contains a small abstract about its purpose.
- Boost can be compiled from a Visual Studio command prompt:
- Apply the patch from 2
- Compile 32-bit libraries
b2 -j6 toolset=msvc-12.0 variant=release threading=multi link=static runtime-link=shared stage
move stage stage-32bit
- Compile 64-bit libraries
b2 -j6 toolset=msvc-12.0 address-model=64 variant=release threading=multi link=static runtime-link=shared stage
move stage stage-64bit
- XOPSupport compilation itself can be done via
cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 2013
/cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 2013" -A x64
andcmake --build . --config release
- The unit and regression test suite requires our unit testing framework.
- The test suite always finishes without errors.
- The reference data is available upon request only as it is roughly 5GB.