Each citizen of the known universe has a wallet associated to their Galactic ID. This service is responsible for handling every function related to that wallet.
- GET /api/v1/wallet/ - returns all the wallets (not implemented)
- POST /api/v1/wallet - creates a new wallet (if not already exists)
- GET /api/v1/wallet/user/balance - get Galatic Solaris balance of the user's wallet (not implemented)
- Get /api/v1/wallet/transactions - get transaction history of the user's wallet (not implemented)
- POST /api/v1/wallet/user/deposit - make a Galactic Solaris deposit to user's wallet (not implemented)
- POST /api/v1/wallet/user/withdraw - withdraw Galactic Solaris from users wallet
Every HTTP request that is being sent to this service goes through number of middlewares. These include
- call /userinfo endpoint on OpenId auth server and extract the user id, which can then be used to get wallet balance and transaction historySignatureVerify
- combined with above middleware to be used with/withdraw
endpoints to verify the amount that has been sent as a parameter to enable secure payments
go build cmd/payment/main.go