Service for managing requests for material.
- Java 11.
- Spring Boot.
- PostgreSQL.
- React.Js.
- Docker.
- Testcontainers-spring-boot.
- Rest-assured.
- JUnit5.
- DockerHub.
Expected form with fields:
- Date (current date).
- Originator.
- Type.
- Necessary mass, g
- Objective of use.
- Deadline.
- Comments.
- Button"Send request". All fields except Comments are required
Expected table with columns:
- No
- Date
- Status (Generated, In Work, Done, Cancelled, Rejected)
- Originator
- Type
- Necessary mass, g
- Objective of use.
- Deadline.
- Comments.
- Run container "my_postgres" with PostgreSQL:
docker run -d --name my_postgres -v my_dbdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data -p 54320:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=my_password postgres:13
- For connection to container "my_postgres":
Mac OS:
sudo docker exec -it my_postgres psql -U postgres
winpty docker exec -it my_postgres psql -U postgres
- For creation database "requests":
- Run RequestsApplication class as usual
- Build frontend-for-backend running from the root dir:
sh ./infrastructure/
- Enjoy at http://localhost:8080
- Build it
./mvnw clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
java -jar ./target/requests-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
- Enjoy at http://localhost:8080
- Build jar:
./mvnw clean package
- Build image of application with name "requests" and tag "latest":
./mvnw jib:dockerBuild
- Create network "network_name":
docker network create --driver bridge network_name
- Run container with database and application in one network "network_name":
docker run --name my_postgres --network=network_name -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=my_password -d postgres:13
docker run -p 8080:8080 --network=network_name -e SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL=jdbc:postgresql://my_postgres:5432/requests requests:latest
- Enjoy at http://localhost:8080/
- Install Docker engine for your OS.
- Clone requests-infrastructure repository on server
- Create file .env in root of requests-infrastructure and add:
- Install Nginx and use configure file from here
- build jar and docker image of Spring Boot with tag "latest":
./mvnw clean package
docker login
./mvnw jib:dockerBuild
docker push bulatzalyaliev/requests:latest
- update containers using new images from Dockerhub
sudo docker pull bulatzalyaliev/requests:latest
sudo docker-compose up -d
- Checking work with:
curl http://localhost:8080/api/requests
- Enjoy at https://hostname