DeepRescore is an immunopeptidomics data analysis tool that leverages deep learning-derived peptide features to rescore peptide-spectrum matches (PSMs). DeepRescore takes as input MS/MS data in MGF format and identification results from a search engine. The current version supports four search engines, MS-GF+, Comet, X!Tandem, and MaxQuant.
- Download DeepRescore:
git clone
Install Docker (>=19.03).
Install Nextflow. More information can be found in the Nextflow get started page.
Install nvidia-docker (>=2.2.2) for AutoRT and pDeep2 by following the instruction at Please note GPU is required to run DeepRescore.
All other tools used by DeepRescore have been dockerized and will be automatically installed when DeepRescore is run in the first time on a computer. DeepRescore has been tested on Linux.
○ → nextflow run --help
N E X T F L O W ~ version 19.10.0
Launching `` [special_hamilton] - revision: 2817bc64da
DeepRescore => Rescore PSMs
nextflow run
--id_file Identification result.
--ms_file MS/MS data in MGF format. If the search engine is MaxQuant, this parameter is not useful.
--se The name of search engine, msgf:MS-GF+, xtandem:X!Tandem, comet:Comet or maxquant:MaxQuant.
Default is "msgf" (MS-GF+).
--ms_instrument The MS instrument used to generate the MS/MS data.
This is used by pDeep2 for MS/MS spectrum prediction. Default is "Lumos".
--ms_energy The energy used in MS/MS data generation.
This is used by pDeep2 for MS/MS spectrum prediction. Default is 0.34.
--out_dir Output folder, default is "./output"
--prefix The prefix of output file(s).
--decoy_prefix The prefix of decoy proteins. Default is "XXX_".
--cpu The number of CPUs
--mem The memory for processing the data, default is 8. The unit is G.
--help Print help message
In general, the main inputs to run DeepRescore are identification result from one of the four search engines (MS-GF+, X!Tandem, Comet and MaxQuant) and the MS/MS data used for searching. If the identification software is MaxQuant, then the MS/MS data is not needed because MS/MS data is included in MaxQuant search result ( folder combined
, mqpar.xml is also required to be present in the combined
folder). Below is the table showing the detailed search result format and MS/MS data format supported for each search engine. Using MS-GF+, X!Tandem or Comet, raw MS/MS data must be converted to MGF format using ProteoWizard. Multiple MGF files (different fractions) from the sample or same TMT/iTRAQ experiment should be combined into one MGF file. Only oxidation of M is supported as variable modification. Please note if DeepRescore is used to rescore MaxQuant result, the FDR cutoff should be set as 100% when performing the MaxQuant search, otherwise target PSMs may be filtered by MaxQuant's FDR calculation before rescoring using DeepRescore.
For MGF file conversion, we recommend to use the following command line:
msconvert --filter "peakPicking true 1-2" --mgf *.raw
Search engine | Identification format | MS/MS data format |
Comet | .pepxml | MGF |
MS-GF+ | .mzid | MGF |
X!Tandem | .xml | MGF |
MaxQuant | /combined/ | - |
Below is an example:
nextflow run --id_file ./example_data/A1101.pep.xml \
--ms_file ./example_data/A1101.mgf \
--se comet \
--ms_instrument Lumos \
--ms_energy 0.34 \
--out_dir out \
--prefix d2 \
--decoy_prefix XXX_ \
--cpu 4 \
--mem 8
It took about one and half hour to run the example on a Linux server (12 threads, 64 RAM, GPU: TITAN Xp). The example data can be downloaded through this link: test_data.
The final output data can be found in this folder out_dir/DeepRescore_results
. Here out_dir
is the output directory specified through parameter --out_dir
. There are two files in this folder: *_psm_final.tsv
and *_pep_final.tsv
. The first one is the result controled FDR at PSM level and the second one is the result controled FDR at peptide level. Below is an example of *_psm_final.tsv
. The format of *_pep_final.tsv
is the same with *_psm_final.tsv
. Users can filter the result based on the column q-value
(for example, q-value <= 0.01). The result files (*_psm_final.tsv
or *_pep_final.tsv
+ the MS/MS data in MGF format
) can be imported into PDV for visualization.
spectrum_title | Percolator_score | q_value | modification | Mod_Sequence | Label | RT | Mass | Abs_Mass_Error | Ln_Total_Intensity | Match_Ions_Intensity | Rel_Match_Ions_Intensity | Max_Match_Ion_Intensity | Score | Pep | Delta_Score | charge | peptide | Proteins | Delta_RT | SA | mz |
YE_20180517_SK_HLA_A1101_3Ips_a50mio_R1_02.25098.25098.2 | 1.43274 | 5.43478e-05 | Carbamidomethyl of C@23[0.0]; | QVADEGDALVAGGVSQTPSYLSCK | 1 | 59.187 | 2451.16256793088 | 0 | 14.0435918544821 | 11.9698824268126 | 0.125718571751381 | 24026.38671875 | 339.58 | 4.3576e-114 | 283.38 | 2 | QVADEGDALVAGGVSQTPSYLSCK | uc003kfu.4 | 0.130932000000001 | 0.775038384865853 | 1226.58908396544 |
YE_20180517_SK_HLA_A1101_3IPs_a50mio_R1_01.21936.21936.3 | 1.36464 | 5.43478e-05 | - | PLFVNVNDQTNEGIMHESK | 1 | 52.926 | 2171.03328724 | 0 | 16.183782828437 | 15.7096998670651 | 0.622455610654202 | 520227.46875 | 268.55 | 1.5772e-35 | 235.24 | 3 | PLFVNVNDQTNEGIMHESK | uc010fur.3;uc002vee.4 | 0.23695 | 0.669018716842519 | 724.685562413335 |
YE_20180517_SK_HLA_A1101_3Ips_a50mio_R2_01.21952.21952.3 | 1.34864 | 5.43478e-05 | - | PLFVNVNDQTNEGIMHESK | 1 | 52.495 | 2171.03151690128 | 0 | 14.6959014960537 | 14.1948714045837 | 0.605906199334659 | 119562.108398438 | 284.15 | 1.4821e-46 | 248.85 | 3 | PLFVNVNDQTNEGIMHESK | uc010fur.3;uc002vee.4 | 0.855877999999997 | 0.677688435645182 | 724.684972300427 |
AC20171011_Broad_HLA_A1101_R1_Rep01.3055.3055.3 | 1.32707 | 5.43478e-05 | - | RTLDAKMPRK | 1 | 11.999 | 1214.69196592591 | 0 | 15.3894885906454 | 14.7015468520804 | 0.502609506923564 | 815314.75 | 201.84 | 0.0048553 | 201.84 | 3 | RTLDAKMPRK | uc003lvo.4;uc021ygh.2 | 0.168488 | 0.884456468503026 | 405.905121975303 |
YE_20180517_SK_HLA_A1101_3IPs_a50mio_R1_01.19078.19078.2 | 1.29334 | 5.43478e-05 | - | GILAADESVGTMGNR | 1 | 46.712 | 1489.71904591213 | 0 | 15.0714146779268 | 14.7645814265636 | 0.735773279870115 | 423094.538085938 | 305.7 | 1.1819e-36 | 222.7 | 2 | GILAADESVGTMGNR | uc004bbk.2 | 0.180505999999994 | 0.862802817911802 | 745.867322956064 |
Kai Li, Antrix Jain, Anna Malovannaya, Bo Wen, Bing Zhang (2020), DeepRescore: Leveraging Deep Learning to Improve Peptide Identification in Immunopeptidomics. Proteomics. doi:10.1002/pmic.201900334