- LAMMPS Introduction & Set Up
1.1 LAMMPS Installation & Required Package Installation
1.2 LAMMPS Build with Make
1.3 Running CMake Build LAMMPS
1.4 Configuring CLion Debugger with LAMMPS - Simon Gravelle Tutorial Level 1: Lennard-Jones Fluid - The Very Basics of LAMMPS
2.1 Lennard-Jones Fluidfirst-input.lammps
2.1.1 Exercise
2.1.2 Data Analysis
2.1.3 Input Script Command Syntax
2.2 Lennard-Jones Fluidimproved-input.min.lammps
2.2.1 Lennard-Jones Fluidimproved_input.min.lammps
2.2.2 Lennard-Jones Fluidimproved_input.md.lammps
2.3 Further Exercises: Lennard-Jones Fluid Further Exercises: Lost Atoms Error
2.3.1 Problem
2.3.2 Solution
2.4 Further Exercises: Create a Demixed Dense Phase
2.4.1 Problem
2.4.2 Solution
2.5 Further Exercises: From Atoms to Molecules
2.5.1 Problem
2.5.2 Solution - Simon Gravelle Tutorial Level 1: Carbon Nanotube Deformation
3.1 Deformation of Carbon Nanotube with Unbreakable Bonds
3.1.1 Exercise
3.1.2 Introduction
3.1.3 Data Analysis
3.1.4 Input Script Command Syntax
3.2 Deformation of Carbon Nanotube with Breakable Bonds
3.2.1 Exercise
3.2.2 Introduction
3.2.3 Differences in Topology File
3.2.4 Data Analysis
3.2.5 Input Script Command Syntax
3.3 Further Exercises: Plot the Carbon Nanotube Stress-Strain Curves
3.3.1 Problem
3.3.2 Solution
3.3.3 Data Analysis
3.4 Further Exercises: Flying Ice Cube Artifact
3.4.1 Introduction
3.4.2 Problem
3.4.3 Solution
3.5 Further Exercises: Inert Gas (Ar) in The Carbon Nanotube
3.5.1 Problem
3.5.2 Solution
3.6 Further Exercises: Carbon Nanotube Membrane
3.6.1 Problem
3.6.2 Solution - Simon Gravelle Tutorial Level 2: Polymer in Water
4.1 Preparing The Water Reservoir
4.1.1 Introduction
4.1.2 Data Analysis
4.1.3 Input Script Command Syntax
4.1.4 References
4.2 Preparing The Single PEG Polymer
4.2.1 Introduction
4.2.2 References
4.3 Solvating the PEG in Water
4.3.1 Introduction
4.3.2 Input Script Command Syntax
4.4 Deforming/Stretching the Water Solvated PEG Polymer Molecule
4.4.1 Introduction
4.4.2 Data Analysis
4.4.3 Input Script Command Syntax
4.5 Further Exercises: Radial Distribution Function of Water Solvated PEG Polymer Molecule
4.5.1 Exercise
4.5.2 Introduction
4.5.3 Data Analysis
4.5.4 Input Script Command Syntax
4.6 Further Exercises: Add NaCl to Water Solvated PEG Polymer Molecule
4.6.1 Introduction
4.7 Further Exercises: Evaluate The Deformation of The PEG Polymer Molecule
4.7.1 Introduction
4.7.2 Data Analysis - Simon Gravelle: MDAnalysis Tutorials
5.1 MDAnalysis Tutorials - Polymer in Water
5.1.2 Extract Temporal Evolution of Hydrogen Type 4 Atom (First Atom in PEG Group)
5.2 MDAnalysis Tutorials - Carbon Nanotube (CNT) Breakable Bonds
5.2.1 Evolution of CNT Average Bond Length & Bond Number as a Function of Time
5.2.2 Bond Length Distributions
LAMMPS (Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator) is a classical molecular dynamics simulation (MD) program that models ensembles of particles in a liquid, solid, or gaseous state. It can model atomic, polymeric, biological, solid-state, granular, coarse-grained, or macroscopic systems using a variety of interatomic potentials (force fields) and boundary conditions. These can be 2-D or 3-D systems, with sizes ranging from only a few particles up to billions.
In the most general sense, LAMMPS integrates Newton’s equations of motion for a collection of interacting particles. A single particle can be treated as atomistic (i.e. an atom, molecule or electron) or course-grained (a cluster of atoms, or a mesoscopic or macroscopic clump of material). The interaction models that LAMMPS includes are mostly short-ranged in nature, however some long-range models are included as well.
Tutorials require LAMMPS MD software package to be installed and built on your local machine. Detailed documentation is available, however a simplified step by step guide is given below. This guide is for a build on Linux, specifically Ubuntu 23.10.
- Clone LAMMPS GitHub repo either using SSH protocol (
git clone git@github.com:lammps/lammps.git
), or using HTTPS (git clone https://github.com/lammps/lammps.git
) - Set up virtual environment e.g. using Conda (
conda activate <virtual_environment>
) - Install required packages (further packages will be added as more exercises are added to the tutorial):
sudo apt install gcc g++ gfortran wget make lammps libopenmpi-dev mpi-default-bin mpi-default-dev libfftw3-dev libjpeg-dev libpng-dev libreadline-dev
- Certain auxiliary tools require the
command which requires installation of Intel Fortran Compiler. This can be achieved either as part of the HPC Toolkit, or as a standalone release- Once installed, prior to running the compiler you need to set certain environment variables via command
source /opt/intel/oneapi/setvars.sh intel64
. This will create a symlink so that theifort
command can be used inlammps\tools\Makefile
- May be specific to my system, but I also found that I needed to change the
rules inlammps\tools\Makefile
to correctly compilechain.f90
chain: chain.f90 ifort -c chain.f90 -o chain micelle2d: micelle2d.f90 ifort -c micelle2d.f90 -o micelle2d
- Once installed, prior to running the compiler you need to set certain environment variables via command
- All build commands must be run in LAMMPS
directory (cd lammps/src
)- If you need to install any packages, this needs to be done prior to building any LAMMPS binaries. This can be by running command
make yes-<package_name>
. E.g.make yes-MOLECULE
- If you need to install any packages, this needs to be done prior to building any LAMMPS binaries. This can be by running command
- Build serial LAMMPS executable using GNU g++ (
make serial
)- Command
make serial
binary. It does not require MPI (Message Passing Interface) and is intended for running simulations on a single processor without parallelization
- Command
- Build parallel LAMMPS executable with MPI (
make mpi
)- Command
make mpi
binary. It is designed for parallel execution using MPI and allows LAMMPS to run simulations across multiple processors. This can significantly improve performance for large-scale simulations
- Command
- Build LAMMPS executable and library (
make ubuntu
)- This generates the LAMMPS executable in the 'static' mode. If you want to generate it in the 'shared' mode, you need to run
make mode=shared ubuntu
- This generates the LAMMPS executable in the 'static' mode. If you want to generate it in the 'shared' mode, you need to run
- Navigate to
directory (cd lammps/tools
) and build LAMMPS tools (make all
- Once you have created your
input script, you can run LAMMPS using:- The
<absolute_configuration_to_lmp_serial> -in <input_file>.lammps
command to run LAMMPS via thelmp_serial
binary - The
mpirun -np 4 <absolute_configuration_to_lmp_mpi> -in <input_file>.lammps
command to run LAMMPS via thelmp_mpi
- The
Using CMake has multiple advantages if you want to modify or extend LAMMPS (or have limited experience compiling software). These advantages are outlined in the documentation, however the advantage we will highlight here is that CMake can generate files for different build tools and integrated development environments (IDE). This will be especially useful when we outline how to integrate LAMMPS with the CLion debugger tool, which is very useful for debugging any errors you encounter in your input scripts.
**N.B. You must not mix the make
LAMMPS build procedure with the cmake
build procedure. CMake will detect if any there are any previously installed packages or compiled executables in lammps/src
and will throw an error. If you have previously built lammps using the make
approach, you must remove all conflicting files in lammps/src
via command make no-all purge
. This will uninstall all packages and delete all auto-generated files.
- Navigate to the LAMMPS distribution directory (
cd lammps
) - Create
directory and navigate to it (mkdir build; cd build
) - Generate CMake configuration files (
and other build files) within thebuild
directory. This is achieved by loading in the configurations defined within directorylammps/cmake
, specifically in theCMakeLists.txt
file within that directory via commandcmake ../cmake
- It is during this configuration generation command that you should specify any additional packages you want to install
- This can be achieved by individual adding the packages you want via
cmake -D PKG_<NAME>=on
(e.g.cmake -D PKG_MOLECULE=on
for the MOLECULE package) - Conveniently, LAMMPS includes several package configuration 'presets' (found in
). Using these preset files, you can enable/disable portions of the available packages in LAMMPS (or indeed modify them to create your own custom preset - For example, to install the most of the core packages listed in
, run commandcmake -C ../cmake/presets/most.cmake ../cmake
- N.B. I personally had incompatiability issues with my locally installed FFTW3 (Fastest Fourier Transform in the West) library when LAMMPS tried to install the KSPACE package. As described in the documentation, the KISS fft library is included with LAMMPS, so I got around this issue by adding the
flag to my configuration command -cmake -C ../cmake/presets/most.cmake -D FFT=KISS ../cmake
- Compile/build LAMMPS executable via command
cmake --build .
. This generates thelmp
binary in yourlammps/build
- Once you have created your
input script, you can run LAMMPS using:- The
<absolute_configuration_to_lammps/build/lmp> -in <input_file>.lammps
command to run LAMMPS via thelmp
- The
The ability to trigger breakpoints in a codebase is an invaluable tool for debugging any errors you encounter when running an input script. It also helps you get more familiar with the codebase of the software you are using. I will be describing how to do this in CLion, a cross-platform IDE for C and C++ with support for Python & assembly. Unfortunately, CLion does not have a free version. But this general approach can be applied to other IDEs with support for CMake.
Note this requires building LAMMPS via the cmake
build procedure (the make
procedure may work, but I have not tested it)
- Open LAMMPS in CLion and build with CMake
- In CLion, navigate to 'File > Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > CMake' and confirm that the 'Debug' CMake profile is there and is selected. If it is not present, generate the CMake configuration files again with the
flag. E.g.cmake -C ../cmake/presets/most.cmake -D FFT=KISS -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Debug" ../cmake
- Navigate to 'Run > Edit Configurations' and select the
configuration under 'CMake Application'. If for whatever reason it doesn't exist, click 'Add New Configuration' - Change 'Target' to
if it isn't already selected - Change 'Executable' to the
executable within youlammps/build
directory - Change 'Program arguments' to
-in <absolute_path_to_your_input_script>
- Change 'Working directory' to the absolute path of the directory where your input script is located
- Select 'Apply' and 'Ok'
- Put a breakpoint at the line of code you want to debug, and click the green Debug 'Imp' icon at the top of the IDE. LAMMPS should now run your script and stop at your breakpoint
- See image below for example of Configuration from steps 3 - 8: