Library containing various algorithms implemented with a Rust counter-part.
You can test the algorithms to ensure they work by using cargo test
, an example of it's usage is shown below.
$ cd rust-algorithms # Change directory to repository.
$ cargo test # Run the `cargo test` command to run the library's tests.
test result: ok. # If things go well all tests should pass.
🥔 Hashing Algorithms
- ❌ SHA256
🔎 Searching Algorithms
- ✔ Linear Search
- ✔ Binary Search
🧮 Sorting Algorithms
- ✔ Selection Sort
- ✔ Insertion Sort
- ✔ Bubble Sort
- ✔ Gnome Sort
- ✔ Quick Sort
- ✔ Merge Sort
- ✔ Shell Sort
- ✔ Heap Sort
- ✔ Comb Sort