To use this container you need to generate the certificate.
If you decide to extends the container add this line in your Dockerfile.
The -subj
option is used to configure the certificate:
- C (Country Name)
- ST (State or Province Name)
- L (Locality)
- O (Organization Name)
- CN (Common Name like FQDN)
# Dockerfile
FROM c2is/apache-reverseproxy
RUN openssl req \
-new \
-newkey rsa:4096 \
-days 365 \
-nodes \
-x509 \
-subj "/C=FR/ST=c2is/L=Lyon/O=c2is/" \
-keyout /etc/apache2/ssl/proxy.key \
-out /etc/apache2/ssl/proxy.crt
If you decide to just use the image in docker-compose.yml add the command to the declaration:
image: c2is-apache-reverseproxy
command: openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -days 365 -nodes -x509 -subj "/C=FR/ST=c2is/L=Lyon/O=c2is/" -keyout /etc/apache2/ssl/proxy.key -out /etc/apache2/ssl/proxy.crt