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Darrion Burgess edited this page Nov 20, 2023
1 revision
Telescope is one of the great plugins of neovim that makes it a pleasure to use
Lazyvim already comes with it mostly installed and configured with the basics:
- searching files
- grepping files
- searching buffers
- and even searching diagnostic results OOTB I just wanted to add the functionality to search my URL bookmarks since that is the part that I think i was missing
Pretty much the only part i add on from lazyvim is the ability to do a search on my local buku repository using a combination of buku itself, and the telescoppe-bookmarks.nvim
plugin which can read from the sqlite database located on your machine
local buku_telescope_plugin_spec = {
dependencies = { "kkharji/sqlite.lua", "tyru/open-browser.vim" },
keys = { { "<leader>sB", "<cmd>Telescope bookmarks<cr>", desc = "Search Bookmarks" } },
local telescope_browser_setup_options = {
selected_browser = "buku",
url_open_plugin = "open_browser",
buku_include_tags = true,
local load_bookmark_extension = function()
- We define the spec for installing and configuring the telescope-bookmarks plugin in the first place
- we need sqlite.lua to access the buku bookmarks themselves
- while open-browser is used to integrate with the browser of our choice so it opens our selection properly to the browser
- This whole thing is done with a single activation keymap and otherwise it just never gets loaded
- Once we have installed the plugin we need to configure it within telescope itself
- here we pass the configuration saying we are using buku for where to get our bookmarks
- we are also noting that we have opten for the open-browser plugin see in the spec as our plugin of choice for opening links
- we also include the buku tags because I put allot of work into making those accurate and it can make it easier to find the bookmark if you know the tag it is likely a part of
- Once all of that is done we can actually load the extension only AFTER telescope itself has completed its own setup
return {
dependencies = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim",
config = function()
extensions = {
bookmarks = telescope_browser_setup_options,
Other than loading, configurating, and running the bookmarks plugin, this is a fairly standard telescope configuration
- we put the plugin spec in the dependencies listing like any other
- we configure telescope to include the new browser options as a table
- and once telescope is loaded we can load the bookmarks extension itself