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Minetest, an open source infinite-world block sandbox game engine with support for survival and crafting. Also see


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  • Dr. Jeremiah Blanchard - Shareholder/Project Lead
  • Aaron Leopard - Developer
  • Alice Sun - Developer
  • Allison Wu - Developer
  • Anthony Davila - Developer
  • Carlos Echenique - Developer
  • Colin Rocks - Developer
  • Erik Almeida - Developer
  • Joshua Chan - Developer
  • Lisa Touchton - Developer
  • Logan Rotenberger - Developer
  • Nathan Whelden - Developer
  • Sean Ferguson - Developer
  • Songyuhao Shi - Developer
  • Zarya Rojo - Developer

Our Purpose

             Minecraft's adaptability, cost-effectiveness, and engaging gameplay have garnered interest from various individuals, leading to its application in educational settings. Minetest, an open-source counterpart to Minecraft, plays a significant role in helping individuals develop coding skills. As a sandbox game, Minetest offers a dynamic and interactive environment that enhances students' creativity, problem-solving, and collaboration skills. The game provides a customizable platform, enabling educators to design and tailor educational content such as the customization of facilities, land, and environment. This platform also addresses specific learning objectives and individual students' needs. The flexibility of Minetest is particularly advantageous when incorporating it into a wide range of STEM field subjects. Its open-source nature ensures free access for all schools, eliminating financial barriers that might exist with commercial alternatives. By integrating Minetest into the classroom, educators can offer a dynamic, immersive learning experience that promotes self-directed exploration, critical thinking, and real-world applications of subject matter [1]. Consequently, teachers can effectively bridge the gap between traditional teaching methods and the rapidly evolving world of digital technologies, better-preparing students for the challenges and opportunities they will encounter in the 21st century.
             Minetest will play a significant role when it's incorporated into an educational setting. Also, the proven results illustrate that Minetest fosters creativity, problem-solving, and collaboration among students. Nevertheless, a significant challenge arises for both educators and students on the games’ dependence on Lua scripts which may lead to unfamiliarity for students to code and edit since the Lua script is ranked 30th in coding languages [2]. To tackle this issue, the Minetest team is working on recreating the Lua game engine in C++. Our Design 2 team is currently focused on salvaging as much C++ code as possible, so when the team starts coding the game engine, less time will be spent on redeveloping code. As we know, C++ is a widely acknowledged programming language, iterating and modifying the game with new C++ files not only streamlines the learning process for students but also broadens the accessibility of Minetest as an educational tool. By bridging the gap between Lua and C++, our team ensures that students can effectively engage with Minetest's educational content without the necessity to invest time in learning Lua scripting and potentially being able to code in their language of choice. This improvement will ultimately enhance the overall learning experience and empower students to concentrate on critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills essential for success in the classroom.

Important Links for Our Project

Helpful Links for Minetest Resources

Server-side API:
Client-side API:

Mod Book:
Minetest Wiki:

Programming in Lua:
C++ Reference:
GIT Tutorial:

Modding Guide


Q: What IDE should I use for Minetest?
Visual Studio 2015 to 2022.

Q: How long does setup take?
About 30 mins (if everything goes right)

Q: There are red errors/libraries missing in CMake. Is that a concern?
As long as you can configure then generate without missing any libraries critical for Minetest, you should be fine.

Q: What is the team workflow on Github?
Make your own branch, then make a pull request to merge your branch into Native-Api. Have another teammate review your PR. \


[1] Noelene Callaghan (2016) Investigating the role of Minecraft in educational learning environments, Educational Media International, 53:4, 244-260, DOI: 10.1080/09523987.2016.1254877
[2] Tiobe index. TIOBE. (2022, June 3). Retrieved April 25, 2023, from


Build Status Translation status License

Minetest is a free open-source voxel game engine with easy modding and game creation.

Copyright (C) 2010-2020 Perttu Ahola and contributors (see source file comments and the version control log)

In case you downloaded the source code

If you downloaded the Minetest Engine source code in which this file is contained, you probably want to download the Minetest Game project too. See its README.txt for more information.

Table of Contents

  1. Further Documentation
  2. Default Controls
  3. Paths
  4. Configuration File
  5. Command-line Options
  6. Compiling
  7. Docker
  8. Version Scheme

Further documentation

Default controls

All controls are re-bindable using settings. Some can be changed in the key config dialog in the settings tab.

Button Action
Move mouse Look around
W, A, S, D Move
Space Jump/move up
Shift Sneak/move down
Q Drop itemstack
Shift + Q Drop single item
Left mouse button Dig/punch/take item
Right mouse button Place/use
Shift + right mouse button Build (without using)
I Inventory menu
Mouse wheel Select item
0-9 Select item
Z Zoom (needs zoom privilege)
T Chat
/ Command
Esc Pause menu/abort/exit (pauses only singleplayer game)
R Enable/disable full range view
+ Increase view range
- Decrease view range
K Enable/disable fly mode (needs fly privilege)
P Enable/disable pitch move mode
J Enable/disable fast mode (needs fast privilege)
H Enable/disable noclip mode (needs noclip privilege)
E Move fast in fast mode
C Cycle through camera modes
V Cycle through minimap modes
Shift + V Change minimap orientation
F1 Hide/show HUD
F2 Hide/show chat
F3 Disable/enable fog
F4 Disable/enable camera update (Mapblocks are not updated anymore when disabled, disabled in release builds)
F5 Cycle through debug information screens
F6 Cycle through profiler info screens
F10 Show/hide console
F12 Take screenshot



  • bin - Compiled binaries
  • share - Distributed read-only data
  • user - User-created modifiable data

Where each location is on each platform:

  • Windows .zip / RUN_IN_PLACE source:
    • bin = bin
    • share = .
    • user = .
  • Windows installed:
    • bin = C:\Program Files\Minetest\bin (Depends on the install location)
    • share = C:\Program Files\Minetest (Depends on the install location)
    • user = %APPDATA%\Minetest
  • Linux installed:
    • bin = /usr/bin
    • share = /usr/share/minetest
    • user = ~/.minetest
  • macOS:
    • bin = Contents/MacOS
    • share = Contents/Resources
    • user = Contents/User OR ~/Library/Application Support/minetest

Worlds can be found as separate folders in: user/worlds/

Configuration file

  • Default location: user/minetest.conf
  • This file is created by closing Minetest for the first time.
  • A specific file can be specified on the command line: --config <path-to-file>
  • A run-in-place build will look for the configuration file in location_of_exe/../minetest.conf and also location_of_exe/../../minetest.conf

Command-line options

  • Use --help


Compiling on GNU/Linux


Dependency Version Commentary
GCC 4.9+ Can be replaced with Clang 3.4+
CMake 2.6+
Irrlicht 1.7.3+
SQLite3 3.0+
LuaJIT 2.0+ Bundled Lua 5.1 is used if not present
GMP 5.0.0+ Bundled mini-GMP is used if not present
JsonCPP 1.0.0+ Bundled JsonCPP is used if not present

For Debian/Ubuntu users:

sudo apt install g++ make libc6-dev libirrlicht-dev cmake libbz2-dev libpng-dev libjpeg-dev libxxf86vm-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libsqlite3-dev libogg-dev libvorbis-dev libopenal-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libfreetype6-dev zlib1g-dev libgmp-dev libjsoncpp-dev

For Fedora users:

sudo dnf install make automake gcc gcc-c++ kernel-devel cmake libcurl-devel openal-soft-devel libvorbis-devel libXxf86vm-devel libogg-devel freetype-devel mesa-libGL-devel zlib-devel jsoncpp-devel irrlicht-devel bzip2-libs gmp-devel sqlite-devel luajit-devel leveldb-devel ncurses-devel doxygen spatialindex-devel bzip2-devel

For Arch users:

sudo pacman -S base-devel libcurl-gnutls cmake libxxf86vm irrlicht libpng sqlite libogg libvorbis openal freetype2 jsoncpp gmp luajit leveldb ncurses

For Alpine users:

sudo apk add build-base irrlicht-dev cmake bzip2-dev libpng-dev jpeg-dev libxxf86vm-dev mesa-dev sqlite-dev libogg-dev libvorbis-dev openal-soft-dev curl-dev freetype-dev zlib-dev gmp-dev jsoncpp-dev luajit-dev


You can install Git for easily keeping your copy up to date. If you don’t want Git, read below on how to get the source without Git. This is an example for installing Git on Debian/Ubuntu:

sudo apt install git

For Fedora users:

sudo dnf install git

Download source (this is the URL to the latest of source repository, which might not work at all times) using Git:

git clone --depth 1
cd minetest

Download minetest_game (otherwise only the "Development Test" game is available) using Git:

git clone --depth 1 games/minetest_game

Download source, without using Git:

tar xf master.tar.gz
cd minetest-master

Download minetest_game, without using Git:

cd games/
tar xf master.tar.gz
mv minetest_game-master minetest_game
cd ..


Build a version that runs directly from the source directory:

make -j$(nproc)

Run it:

  • Use cmake . -LH to see all CMake options and their current state.
  • If you want to install it system-wide (or are making a distribution package), you will want to use -DRUN_IN_PLACE=FALSE.
  • You can build a bare server by specifying -DBUILD_SERVER=TRUE.
  • You can disable the client build by specifying -DBUILD_CLIENT=FALSE.
  • You can select between Release and Debug build by -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=<Debug or Release>.
    • Debug build is slower, but gives much more useful output in a debugger.
  • If you build a bare server you don't need to have Irrlicht installed.
    • In that case use -DIRRLICHT_SOURCE_DIR=/the/irrlicht/source.

CMake options

General options and their default values:

BUILD_CLIENT=TRUE          - Build Minetest client
BUILD_SERVER=FALSE         - Build Minetest server
BUILD_UNITTESTS=TRUE       - Build unittest sources
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release   - Type of build (Release vs. Debug)
    Release                - Release build
    Debug                  - Debug build
    SemiDebug              - Partially optimized debug build
    RelWithDebInfo         - Release build with debug information
    MinSizeRel             - Release build with -Os passed to compiler to make executable as small as possible
ENABLE_CURL=ON             - Build with cURL; Enables use of online mod repo, public serverlist and remote media fetching via http
ENABLE_CURSES=ON           - Build with (n)curses; Enables a server side terminal (command line option: --terminal)
ENABLE_FREETYPE=ON         - Build with FreeType2; Allows using TTF fonts
ENABLE_GETTEXT=ON          - Build with Gettext; Allows using translations
ENABLE_GLES=OFF            - Build for OpenGL ES instead of OpenGL (requires support by Irrlicht)
ENABLE_LEVELDB=ON          - Build with LevelDB; Enables use of LevelDB map backend
ENABLE_POSTGRESQL=ON       - Build with libpq; Enables use of PostgreSQL map backend (PostgreSQL 9.5 or greater recommended)
ENABLE_REDIS=ON            - Build with libhiredis; Enables use of Redis map backend
ENABLE_SPATIAL=ON          - Build with LibSpatial; Speeds up AreaStores
ENABLE_SOUND=ON            - Build with OpenAL, libogg & libvorbis; in-game sounds
ENABLE_LUAJIT=ON           - Build with LuaJIT (much faster than non-JIT Lua)
ENABLE_PROMETHEUS=OFF      - Build with Prometheus metrics exporter (listens on tcp/30000 by default)
ENABLE_SYSTEM_GMP=ON       - Use GMP from system (much faster than bundled mini-gmp)
OPENGL_GL_PREFERENCE=LEGACY - Linux client build only; See CMake Policy CMP0072 for reference
RUN_IN_PLACE=FALSE         - Create a portable install (worlds, settings etc. in current directory)
USE_GPROF=FALSE            - Enable profiling using GProf
VERSION_EXTRA=             - Text to append to version (e.g. VERSION_EXTRA=foobar -> Minetest 0.4.9-foobar)

Library specific options:

BZIP2_INCLUDE_DIR               - Linux only; directory where bzlib.h is located
BZIP2_LIBRARY                   - Linux only; path to libbz2.a/
CURL_DLL                        - Only if building with cURL on Windows; path to libcurl.dll
CURL_INCLUDE_DIR                - Only if building with cURL; directory where curl.h is located
CURL_LIBRARY                    - Only if building with cURL; path to libcurl.a/
EGL_INCLUDE_DIR                 - Only if building with GLES; directory that contains egl.h
EGL_LIBRARY                     - Only if building with GLES; path to libEGL.a/
FREETYPE_INCLUDE_DIR_freetype2  - Only if building with FreeType 2; directory that contains an freetype directory with files such as ftimage.h in it
FREETYPE_INCLUDE_DIR_ft2build   - Only if building with FreeType 2; directory that contains ft2build.h
FREETYPE_LIBRARY                - Only if building with FreeType 2; path to libfreetype.a/
FREETYPE_DLL                    - Only if building with FreeType 2 on Windows; path to libfreetype.dll
GETTEXT_DLL                     - Only when building with gettext on Windows; path to libintl3.dll
GETTEXT_ICONV_DLL               - Only when building with gettext on Windows; path to libiconv2.dll
GETTEXT_INCLUDE_DIR             - Only when building with gettext; directory that contains iconv.h
GETTEXT_LIBRARY                 - Only when building with gettext on Windows; path to libintl.dll.a
GETTEXT_MSGFMT                  - Only when building with gettext; path to msgfmt/msgfmt.exe
IRRLICHT_DLL                    - Only on Windows; path to Irrlicht.dll
IRRLICHT_INCLUDE_DIR            - Directory that contains IrrCompileConfig.h
IRRLICHT_LIBRARY                - Path to libIrrlicht.a/
LEVELDB_INCLUDE_DIR             - Only when building with LevelDB; directory that contains db.h
LEVELDB_LIBRARY                 - Only when building with LevelDB; path to libleveldb.a/
LEVELDB_DLL                     - Only when building with LevelDB on Windows; path to libleveldb.dll
PostgreSQL_INCLUDE_DIR          - Only when building with PostgreSQL; directory that contains libpq-fe.h
PostgreSQL_LIBRARY              - Only when building with PostgreSQL; path to libpq.a/
REDIS_INCLUDE_DIR               - Only when building with Redis; directory that contains hiredis.h
REDIS_LIBRARY                   - Only when building with Redis; path to libhiredis.a/
SPATIAL_INCLUDE_DIR             - Only when building with LibSpatial; directory that contains spatialindex/SpatialIndex.h
SPATIAL_LIBRARY                 - Only when building with LibSpatial; path to
LUA_INCLUDE_DIR                 - Only if you want to use LuaJIT; directory where luajit.h is located
LUA_LIBRARY                     - Only if you want to use LuaJIT; path to libluajit.a/
MINGWM10_DLL                    - Only if compiling with MinGW; path to mingwm10.dll
OGG_DLL                         - Only if building with sound on Windows; path to libogg.dll
OGG_INCLUDE_DIR                 - Only if building with sound; directory that contains an ogg directory which contains ogg.h
OGG_LIBRARY                     - Only if building with sound; path to libogg.a/
OPENAL_DLL                      - Only if building with sound on Windows; path to OpenAL32.dll
OPENAL_INCLUDE_DIR              - Only if building with sound; directory where al.h is located
OPENAL_LIBRARY                  - Only if building with sound; path to libopenal.a/
OPENGLES2_INCLUDE_DIR           - Only if building with GLES; directory that contains gl2.h
OPENGLES2_LIBRARY               - Only if building with GLES; path to libGLESv2.a/
SQLITE3_INCLUDE_DIR             - Directory that contains sqlite3.h
SQLITE3_LIBRARY                 - Path to libsqlite3.a/
VORBISFILE_DLL                  - Only if building with sound on Windows; path to libvorbisfile-3.dll
VORBISFILE_LIBRARY              - Only if building with sound; path to libvorbisfile.a/
VORBIS_DLL                      - Only if building with sound on Windows; path to libvorbis-0.dll
VORBIS_INCLUDE_DIR              - Only if building with sound; directory that contains a directory vorbis with vorbisenc.h inside
VORBIS_LIBRARY                  - Only if building with sound; path to libvorbis.a/
XXF86VM_LIBRARY                 - Only on Linux; path to libXXf86vm.a/
ZLIB_DLL                        - Only on Windows; path to zlib1.dll
ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR                - Directory that contains zlib.h
ZLIB_LIBRARY                    - Path to libz.a/

Compiling on Windows


Compiling and installing the dependencies

It is highly recommended to use vcpkg as package manager.

a) Using vcpkg to install dependencies

After you successfully built vcpkg you can easily install the required libraries:

vcpkg install irrlicht zlib curl[winssl] openal-soft libvorbis libogg sqlite3 freetype luajit gmp jsoncpp --triplet x64-windows
  • curl is optional, but required to read the serverlist, curl[winssl] is required to use the content store.
  • openal-soft, libvorbis and libogg are optional, but required to use sound.
  • freetype is optional, it allows true-type font rendering.
  • luajit is optional, it replaces the integrated Lua interpreter with a faster just-in-time interpreter.
  • gmp and jsoncpp are optional, otherwise the bundled versions will be compiled

There are other optional libraries, but they are not tested if they can build and link correctly.

Use --triplet to specify the target triplet, e.g. x64-windows or x86-windows.

b) Compile the dependencies on your own

This is outdated and not recommended. Follow the instructions on

Compile Minetest

a) Using the vcpkg toolchain and CMake GUI

  1. Start up the CMake GUI
  2. Select Browse Source... and select DIR/minetest
  3. Select Browse Build... and select DIR/minetest-build
  4. Select Configure
  5. Choose the right visual Studio version and target platform. It has to match the version of the installed dependencies
  6. Choose Specify toolchain file for cross-compiling
  7. Click Next
  8. Select the vcpkg toolchain file e.g. D:/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake
  9. Click Finish
  10. Wait until cmake have generated the cash file
  11. If there are any errors, solve them and hit Configure
  12. Click Generate
  13. Click Open Project
  14. Compile Minetest inside Visual studio.

b) Using the vcpkg toolchain and the commandline

Run the following script in PowerShell:

cmake . -G"Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=D:/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DENABLE_GETTEXT=OFF -DENABLE_CURSES=OFF -DENABLE_SYSTEM_JSONCPP=ON
cmake --build . --config Release

Make sure that the right compiler is selected and the path to the vcpkg toolchain is correct.

c) Using your own compiled libraries

This is outdated and not recommended

Follow the instructions on

Windows Installer using WiX Toolset


In the Visual Studio 2017 Installer select Optional Features -> WiX Toolset.

Build the binaries as described above, but make sure you unselect RUN_IN_PLACE.

Open the generated project file with Visual Studio. Right-click Package and choose Generate. It may take some minutes to generate the installer.


We provide Minetest server Docker images using the GitLab mirror registry.

Images are built on each commit and available using the following tag scheme:

  • (latest build)
  •<branch/tag> (current branch or current tag)
  •<commit-id> (current commit id)

If you want to test it on a Docker server you can easily run:

sudo docker run<docker tag>

If you want to use it in a production environment you should use volumes bound to the Docker host to persist data and modify the configuration:

sudo docker create -v /home/minetest/data/:/var/lib/minetest/ -v /home/minetest/conf/:/etc/minetest/

Data will be written to /home/minetest/data on the host, and configuration will be read from /home/minetest/conf/minetest.conf.

Note: If you don't understand the previous commands please read the official Docker documentation before use.

You can also host your Minetest server inside a Kubernetes cluster. See our example implementation in misc/kubernetes.yml.

Version scheme

We use major.minor.patch since 5.0.0-dev. Prior to that we used 0.major.minor.

  • Major is incremented when the release contains breaking changes, all other numbers are set to 0.
  • Minor is incremented when the release contains new non-breaking features, patch is set to 0.
  • Patch is incremented when the release only contains bugfixes and very minor/trivial features considered necessary.

Since 5.0.0-dev and 0.4.17-dev, the dev notation refers to the next release, i.e.: 5.0.0-dev is the development version leading to 5.0.0. Prior to that we used previous_version-dev.


Minetest, an open source infinite-world block sandbox game engine with support for survival and crafting. Also see



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  • C++ 71.1%
  • Lua 19.3%
  • C 7.6%
  • CMake 0.9%
  • Shell 0.4%
  • Java 0.2%
  • Other 0.5%