- PlatformIO VSCode extension is needed for this project to run.
With this project, you can perform:
- Digital Read / Write -> Light up an LED or read the state of a button;
- Analog Read / PWM Output -> Read a potenciometer/trimpot value or mudule n LED pulse width;
- Sensor Read (DHT11, BMP280, LDR and much more).
> pio run --target upload
> yarn && yarn start
- Note that you should run two different VSCode instances (two different windows): one for the server and other for the webpage.
To run the Webpage and monitor/control your ESP-32, install the "Live Server" extension for VSCode, go to (frontend > src > index.html) and click the "Go Live" button in the bottom right corner (A webpage should be opened in few seconds and it will access the ESP-32 Basic Monitor page).
ESP32 server output has two main routes - one for fast (up to 1s) requests and other for slow (more than 1s) requests.
- {esp32_ip}/slow_data_readings (For slow data readings)
- {esp32_ip}/fast_data_readings (For fast data readings)
- MCU: ESP32 Dev Module