The Random Password Generator is a PHP-based web application that allows users to generate secure, customizable passwords. This application features a user-friendly interface where users can specify password length, choose from different character sets, and receive visual feedback on the password's strength.
1. Generate Button: Easily generate a new random password with a single click.
2. Password Length: Adjustable slider to set the password length (up to 50 characters).
3. Character Sets: Checkboxes to include/exclude uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
4. Password Strength: Visual indicator showing the strength of the generated password with background color coding:
- Very Weak and Weak: Red
- Good: Orange
- Strong and Very Strong: Green
5. Copy to Clipboard: Convenient button to copy the generated password to the clipboard.
- JavaScript
To run this project locally, follow these steps:
1. Clone the repository:
git clone
2. Navigate to the project directory:
cd random-password-generator
3. Set up a local web server:
- Use XAMPP, WAMP, or any preferred local server setup.
4. Place the project files in your web server's root directory:
- For XAMPP, this is typically htdocs
- For WAMP, this is typically www
5. Access the application via your web browser:
- Open the application in your web browser.
- Adjust the password length using the slider.
- Select the desired character sets using the checkboxes.
- Click the "Generate" button to create a new password.
- The generated password will appear in the input box.
- Click the "Copy" button to copy the password to your clipboard.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.