UpFi is a web platform designed to host images in a free image hosting service (ImgBB). This application was developed during the second challenge of Chapter 04 of ReactJS track on Rocketseat's Ignite plataform.
You can view the project layout through this link. You must have a Figma account to access it.
This project was developed using the following technologies:
- Render image cards;
- Render a button if it has more pages to load;
- Add a new image on database.
Deployed App: https://upfi-roan.vercel.app/
- Clone this repository;
- Create a new database in FaunaDB and a new collection called
; - Create an account in ImgBB and generate a API Key;
- Configure environment variables:
on project root; - Install all the dependencies with
ornpm install
; - Run the application with
yarn dev
ornpm run dev
; - Access
in your browser; - Enjoy 🥳
This project is under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more details.
Developed with 💜 by Caio Hatai and Rocketseat.