An app for displaying Privacy Alerts for iOS 8 and greater.
For simplicity, the Permissions target is linked with Calabash when the app is built with the Debug configuration.
1. $ git clone
2. $ cd Permissions
3. $ bundle install
4. $ make app # Products/app/
5. $ make ipa # Products/ipa/Permissions.ipa
$ be cucumber
# Don't use the calabash-ios console
$ be irb
You must use bundler's ability to run from local sources.
$ cd ~/git/calabash
$ git clone < run loop >
$ bundle config local.run_loop ~/git/calabash/run_loop
In this repo's Gemfile, you will see:
gem "run_loop", :github => "calabash/run_loop", :branch => "develop"
When running in the context of bundle exec, bundler will use local sources for run_loop.
Open ~/git/calabash/run_loop/scripts/lib/on_alert.js.
Uncomment these two lines:
var buttonNames = findAlertButtonNames(alert);
Log.output({"output":"alert: " + title + "," + buttonNames}, true);
and save.
Find the two letter language and locale codes. We'll use French as our example.
$ bundle update
$ APP_LANG=fr APP_LOCALE=fr bundle exec cucumber -t ~@motion
Tests will fail, but a file will be generated in ~/tmp/ that contains lines like this:
# Alert title, left button title, right button title
{"output":{"output":"alert: « Permissions » souhaite accéder à vos photos.,Refuser,OK"},"last_index":0}
Extract the alert title and accept button title and add them to scripts/lib/on_alert.js.
The motion tests need to be run separately because the alert is completely blocking.
$ APP_LANG=fr APP_LOCALE=fr bundle exec cucumber -t @motion
The alert title and button tiles will be printed to stdout. Because this alert is 100% blocking, no file will be written.
- Home Kit
- Cannot get a Bluetooth Sharing alert to pop
- Cannot get a Microphone alert to pop on iOS Simulators