bioawk_cas is a fork of Connor Skennerton's fork of Heng Li's Connor adds a translate
function to the core bioawk extensions to be able to translate nucelotide into protein sequences and gffattr
to put a GFF line's attribute field subfields into an array.
This version, bioawk_cas, adds several additional functions including linking in edlib to perform approximate searches from The original documention is below these notes.
To see the novel bioawk functions use -h or --help,
$ bioawk_cas -h
usage: bioawk_cas [-F fs] [-v var=value] [-c fmt] [-tH] [-f progfile | 'prog'] [file ...]
1:chrom 2:start 3:end 4:name 5:score 6:strand 7:thickstart 8:thickend 9:rgb 10:blockcount 11:blocksizes 12:blockstarts
1:qname 2:flag 3:rname 4:pos 5:mapq 6:cigar 7:rnext 8:pnext 9:tlen 10:seq 11:qual
1:chrom 2:pos 3:id 4:ref 5:alt 6:qual 7:filter 8:info
1:seqname 2:source 3:feature 4:start 5:end 6:score 7:filter 8:strand 9:group 10:attribute
1:name 2:seq 3:qual 4:comment
bioawk functions:
gc meanqual qualcount revcomp reverse trimq and or xor
translate gffattr gtfattr samattr fldcat systime md5 FILENUM
edit_dist hamming end_adapter_pos charcount applytochars modstr setat find_codons
The first line under bioawk functions in the above code block are the functions added in Heng Li's original version. The next line has the translate, gffattr functions from ctSkennerton/bioawk and then new functions (and the FILENUM built-in) added in bioawk_cas following and in next line.
Since the most common use of bioawk is with fasta or fastq files using the -c fastx option, a script named bawk is included that presumes this.
bawk is bioawk_cas -c fastx "$@"
and saves a bit of typing.
Most of the new functions will provide a parameter overview if you use its name in a BEGIN block. For example,
bioawk_cas 'BEGIN{md5}'
bioawk_cas: md5 takes a string argument and returns its md5 value.
bawk 'BEGIN{edit_dist}'
bioawk_cas: edit_dist requires 4 to 7 arguments: max_editdist, str1, str1_match_len, str2[, str2_len [, mode: default 1 [, flags]]]
mode: 0 complete match, 1 prefix match, 2 infix match (add 10 or 20 for CIGAR). Can use string len -1 for full length.
flags: 1 N matches ACTG, 2 Y matches CT, R matches AG, 3 both.
To create the bioawk_cas program, just run make
in the bioawk.CAS directory and copy the bioawk_cas
or bioawk
file and the bawk
script into a directory on your PATH.
Note: An edlib object file for Linux 86_64 systems and one for macOS can be used by Makefile if edlib.obj does not exist.
If these do not work, clone the edlib repo and after running make
copy edlib.obj into the bioawk.CAS repo directory.
Examples and function documentation in DOC folder.
Bioawk is an extension to Brian Kernighan's awk, adding the support of several common biological data formats, including optionally gzip'ed BED, GFF, SAM, VCF, FASTA/Q and TAB-delimited formats with column names. It also adds a few built-in functions and an command line option to use TAB as the input/output delimiter. When the new functionality is not used, bioawk is intended to behave exactly the same as the original BWK awk.
Using this option is equivalent to
bioawk -F'\t' -v OFS="\t"
This option specifies the input format. When this option is in use, bioawk will seamlessly add variables that name the fields, based on either the format or the first line of the input, depending arg. This option also enables bioawk to read gzip'd files. The argument arg may take the following values:
. List the supported formats and the naming variables. -
. Name each column based on the first line in the input. Special characters in the first are converted to underscore. For example:grep -v ^## in.vcf | bioawk -tc hdr '{print $_CHROM,$POS}'
prints the
columns of the input VCF file. -
. SAM, VCF, BED and GFF formats. -
. This option regards a FASTA or FASTQ as a TAB delimited file with four columns: sequence name, sequence, quality and FASTA/Q comment, such that various fields can be retrieved with column names. See also example 4 in the following.
See awk.1
List the supported formats:
bioawk -c help
Extract unmapped reads without header:
bioawk -c sam 'and($flag,4)' aln.sam.gz
Extract mapped reads with header:
bioawk -Hc sam '!and($flag,4)'
Reverse complement FASTA:
bioawk -c fastx '{print ">"$name;print revcomp($seq)}' seq.fa.gz
Create FASTA from SAM (uses revcomp if FLAG & 16)
samtools view aln.bam | \ bioawk -c sam '{s=$seq; if(and($flag, 16)) {s=revcomp($seq)} print ">"$qname"\n"s}'
Print the genotypes of sample
from a VCF:grep -v ^## in.vcf | bioawk -tc hdr '{print $foo,$bar}'
Translate nucleotide into protein sequence
bioawk -c fastx '{print ">"$name;print translate($seq)}' seq.fa.gz
can also use different translation tables. To translate using the bactera/archaea code:
bioawk -c fastx '{print ">"$name;print translate($seq, 11)}' seq.fa.gz
When option
is in use, bioawk replaces the line reading module of awk. The new line reading function parses FASTA and FASTQ files and seamlessly reads gzip'ed files. However, the new code does not fully mimic the original code. It may fail in corner cases (though this has not happened yet). Thus when-c
is not specified, awk falls back to the original line reading code and does not support gzip'ed input. -
is in use, several strings allocated in the new line reading module are not freed in the end. These will be reported by valgrind as "still reachable". To some extent, these are not memory leaks.