Twitch+Chat provides you with a Rails application to store and retreive stored Twitch IRC messages, a Thor task to run a bot listening and recording channel messages and finally an Ember client to replay the chat together with a Twitch VOD.
Clone the repository with git:
$ git clone git://
Create your local database (this requires Postgres):
$ rake db:create
$ rake db:schema:load
Configure your development secrets/variables in config/secrets.yml
You need at least to add your Twitch Client ID and your Twitch IRC credentials.
Start the logging bot:
$ thor tpc:bot start
Start the web server:
$ rails s
Visit the page for your favourite VOD:
Where :channel_id
is the name of the channel e.g. sing_sing
and :video_id
is the id of the past broadcast e.g. 554034078
- Add some tests
- Add support for channel badges (subscriber, turbo, etc.)
- Add an index page to explain how it works
If you'd like to help improve Twitch+Chat, clone the project with Git by running:
$ git clone git://
Work your magic and then submit a pull request. We love pull requests!
If you find the documentation lacking, help us out and update this If you don't have the time to work on Twitch+Chat, but found something we should know about, please submit an issue.
Twitch+Chat is released under the MIT license.