Authors: Angel Udias, Cesar Alfaro, Alberto Pistocchi
Date: 25/06/2020
There are two sets (directories) of scripts, one for the quantity module and one for the quality module. In each one of the folders there is a main code (main_ESPRES_QL.r, main_ESPRES_QT.r), and the rest of the scripts contain the different functions that are executed from the main code.
loadData_ESPRES_QT.r: This script contains the functions in charge of data loading and the shapefiles of the maps of each basin.
createScen_ESPRES_QT.r: This script contains the functions in charge of the general scenario with the current conditions of the basin that you decide to analyze.
evalStg_ESPRES_QT.r: This script contains the functions in charge of evaluating the pressure reduction strategies in the considered scenario. A strategy consists of the pressure reduction ratios in each region and each sector.
mooFunc_ESPRES_QT.r: This script contains the functions related to the multi-target optimization process, to find compromise strategies between pressure reductions and