kong-plugin-jwt-oidc is an Open Source plugin for Kong which restricts access based on a JWT access token. It is similar to (but more capable than) the jwt built-in plugin.
The implementation of this plugin was heavily inspired by/based on the jwt-keycloak plugin.
Install luarocks and run the following command
luarocks install kong-plugin-jwt-oidc
You also need to set the KONG_PLUGINS environment variable
export KONG_PLUGINS=...,jwt-oidc
To enable the plugin for a service:
curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/services/{ID}/plugins \
--data "name=jwt-oidc" \
--data "config.allowed_iss=http://keycloak.local.net/realms/test"
To enable the plugin using declarative config in kong.yml
- name: mtls-auth
- http://keycloak.local.net/realms/test
In some cases you might want to change the execution priority of the plugin. You can do that by setting an environmental variable: JWT_OIDC_PRIORITY="900"
The following parameters from the standard Kong bundled jwt plugin are reused:
Parameter | Requied | Default | Description |
header_names |
no | authorization |
A list of HTTP header names that Kong will inspect to retrieve JWTs. |
uri_param_names |
no | jwt |
A list of querystring parameters that Kong will inspect to retrieve JWTs. |
cookie_names |
no | A list of cookie names that Kong will inspect to retrieve JWTs. | |
claims_to_verify |
no | exp |
A list of registered claims (according to RFC 7519) that Kong can verify as well. Accepted values: exp , nbf . |
run_on_preflight |
no | true |
A boolean value that indicates whether the plugin should run (and try to authenticate) on OPTIONS preflight requests, if set to false then OPTIONS requests will always be allowed. |
maximum_expiration |
no | 0 |
An integer limiting the lifetime of the JWT to maximum_expiration seconds in the future. Any JWT that has a longer lifetime will be rejected (HTTP 403). If this value is specified, exp must be specified as well in the claims_to_verify property. The default value of 0 represents an indefinite period. Potential clock skew should be considered when configuring this value. |
algorithm |
no | RS256 |
The algorithm used to verify the token’s signature. Can be HS256 , HS384 , HS512 , RS256 , or ES256 . |
The following additional parameters are used:
Parameter | Requied | Default | Description |
allowed_iss |
yes | A list of allowed issuers for this route/service/api. Can be specified as a string or as a Pattern. | |
iss_key_grace_period |
no | 10 | An integer that sets the number of seconds until public keys for an issuer can be updated after writing new keys to the cache. This is a guard so that the Kong cache will not invalidate every time a token signed with an invalid public key is sent to the plugin. |
allowed_aud |
no | A list of allowed audiences for this route/service/api. | |
jwks_uri_template |
no | A string template that the jwks endpoint for the IDP is created from (used if well_known uri isn't available). String formatting is applied on the template and %s is replaced by the issuer of the token. Example: "%s/discovery/keys" |
well_known_template |
no | see description | A string template that the well known endpoint for keycloak is created from (used to lookup the jwks_uri if jwks_uri_template is not set). String formatting is applied on the template and %s is replaced by the issuer of the token. Default value is %s/.well-known/openid-configuration |
ssl_verify |
yes | true |
A boolean value that indicates if the plugin should verify issuer server certificate validity when retrieving issuer keys. Default true, set it to false in test scenarios where issuers use self-signed certificates |
scope |
no | A list of scopes the token must have to access the api, i.e. ["email"] . The token only has to have one of the listed scopes to be authorized. |
consumer_match |
yes | false |
A boolean value that indicates if the plugin should find a kong consumer with id /custom_id that equals the consumer_match_claim claim in the access token. |
consumer_match_claim |
no | azp |
The claim name in the token that the plugin will try to match the kong id /custom_id against. |
consumer_match_claim_custom_id |
no | false |
A boolean value that indicates if the plugin should match the consumer_match_claim claim against the consumers id or custom_id . By default it matches the consumer against the id . |
consumer_match_ignore_not_found |
no | false |
A boolean value that indicates if the request should be let through regardless if the plugin is able to match the request to a kong consumer or not. |
allow_anonymous |
yes | false |
Flag to allow/block anonymous clients. |
upstream_claim_headers |
no | ["scope"] |
List of claims to expose as headers to upstream api. |
upstream_claim_header_prefix |
no | X- |
Header name prefix for claims exposed as headers to upstream api. |
The plugin appends the following variables to the global context, to allow subsequent plugins to access them:
Header | Description |
kong.ctx.shared.jwt_oidc_token |
The validated jwt token |
The plugin appends the following headers to the request before proxying it to the upstream API.
Header | Description |
X-Consumer-ID |
The authenticated consumer ID (set if consumer_match is true) |
X-Consumer-Custom-ID |
The authenticated consumer custom-ID (set if consumer_match is true) |
X-Consumer-Username |
The authenticated consumer username (set if consumer_match is true) |
X-Anonymous-Consumer |
Set to true for anonymous requests (requires allow_anonymous to be true) |
X-<claim> |
Set for each claim configured in upstream_claim_headers |
To verify token issuers, this plugin needs to be able to access the <ISSUER_REALM_URL>/.well-known/openid-configuration
and corresponding jwks_uri
endpoint of the issuer. If you are getting the error { "message": "Unable to get public key for issuer" }
it is probably because for some reason the plugin is unable to access one of these endpoints.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0