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Vault operator to manage automatic initialization and unsealing in kubernetes cluster


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Vault operator for managing vault clusters running in Kubernetes. Operator handles:

  • automated initialization of new clusters
  • automated unsealing of pods in a clusters
  • upgrading statefulset pods in graceful manner
  • rotating vault pods if TLS certificate is updated

Operator assumes vault is deployed using official Hashicorp Vault helm chart.



Vault installed in the cluster. Important parts of the configuration:

  • if using ha mode with raft storage retry_join block is configured for auto joining the cluster. .server.standalone is set to false then.

Example configuration (for kind cluster) can be found in manifests/vault-values.yml

Installation using helm

First add helm repository:

helm repo add vault-autounseal-operator
helm repo update


helm upgrade --install vault-autounseal-operator vault-autounseal-operator/vault-autounseal-operator 


  1. build vault client
  2. get pod seal & init status - https://localhost:8200/v1/sys/seal-status
  3. if !initialized
    1. check if init secret is not there
    2. sync (create lease or lock)
    3. call sys/initialize
    4. create secret - unseal keys
    5. create secret - root token
  4. if sealed
    1. get secret - unseal keys
    2. call sys/unseal


Setting local environment

Create kind cluster (or use any other cluster).

It is easiest to use Makefile run make kind or alternatively

kind create cluster \
  --wait 120s \
  --config manifests/kind-config.yaml

Install preprequisites & vault

Either use attached Makefile: make kind_install

Or do it manually:

  1. Add repositories:
    helm repo add cert-manager
    helm repo add kong
    helm repo add hashicorp
    helm repo update
  2. Install cert-manager:
    helm upgrade --install cert-manager cert-manager/cert-manager \
      --namespace cert-manager \
      --create-namespace \
      --set installCRDs=true \
  3. Install kong ingress controller:
helm upgrade --install kong kong/kong \
  --namespace kong --create-namespace \
  --values manifests/kong-values.yml \
  1. Install vault:
kubectl create namespace vault || echo 0
kubectl apply -f manifests/certs.yml
helm upgrade --install --namespace vault \
  vault hashicorp/vault \
  --values manifests/vault-values.yml \

Install vault-autounseal:

Either with makefile: make helm_install or use:

helm upgrade --install vault-autounseal-operator charts/vault-autounseal-operator -n vault