The Incorrect Acronym (IA) Bot lives in the subreddit r/IncorrectAcronym. It scans each comment for either words not in the english dictionary or comments that start with !Suggest.
For words that are not in words_dictionary.json (the english dictionary) and not in custom_dictionary.json, the IA Bot replies with a comment defining the "acronym". Each letter is matched with a random word in the English dictionary that starts with the same letter.
If the word is not in the English dictionary but is in the custom dictionary, the IA Bot prioritizes its own dictionary and will output that definition.
For comments that include !Suggest, the IA Bot adds the acronym-definition to its own personal dictionary. The formatting of this is: !Suggest ACRONYM DEFINITION
- For example: !Suggest TMIP Too Many Imaginary Ponies
After either of these actions, the IA Bot adds an encrypted version of the comment ID to the posts_replied_to.json file.
While scanning comments, the IA Bot will compare the current comment ID to each decrypted comment ID in the posts_replied_to.json file. If there is a match, the IA Bot will know that it has replied to that comment before and will skip that comment.
- Additionally if the IA Bot detects that the author of a comment is itself, it will also skip that comment and scan the next one.