Geotrek mobile, mobile app of Geotrek Rando (
This repository only contains source code for geotrek mobile cordova app. Before using it, you have to configure your cordova environment.
- npm (version > 1.2.10)
- cordova (
npm install -g cordova
$ pwd
$ cordova create geotrek_dir com.makinacorpus.geotrekmobile Geotrek-mobile
$ ls geotrek_dir
config.xml hooks merges platforms plugins www
The most important parts are :
is where the source code, which will be deployed on each platform, lives.plugins
is where plugins live, and will also be deployed with source code on each platform build.platforms
contains each cordova platform dependant code (for android, ios, ...)
On build, cordova will take our source code and generate corresponding code to be compiled on each platform we want. This generated code is a bridge between our html/css/js app, cordova js code and native platform code. To build this project on each OS (android, ios...), we need to configure them.
There is some ways to configure Android platform, but the core component is always android sdk.
- Android Studio (
- JDK (6+)
- ant (version ?)
Set your JAVA_HOME
environment variable to JDK root path, so that Android Studio can now be launched.
As you have installed Android Studio (we assume in /home/toto/android-studio
), you also have an android sdk.
$ pwd
$ ls
bin build.txt Install-Linux-tar.txt lib license LICENSE.txt NOTICE.txt plugins sdk
Then add sdk subdirectories tools
and platform-tools
to your PATH
environment variable.
You are ready to build your first android project !
$ pwd
$ cordova platform add android
$ ls platforms
$ ls platforms/android
AndroidManifest.xml build.xml CordovaLib libs platform_www src assets cordova custom_rules.xml proguard-project.txt res
Cordova has generated lot of files, and your source code lives now in assets
- XCode
- ant (version ?)
You are ready to build your first iOS project !
$ pwd
$ cordova platform add ios
$ ls platforms
$ ls platforms/ios
CordovaLib cordova geotrek-mobile.xcodeproj www build geotrek-mobile platform_www
Cordova has generated lot of files, and your source code lives now in www
To build it, 2 choices :
From cordova cli
cordova build android
From Android Studio
- 'Open/Import project' (on first time, choose 'Import Project', select
dir, and next/next/.../finish). - 'Build/Rebuild Project'
From cordova cli
cordova build ios
From XCode
- Open geotrek-mobile.xcodeproj with XCode.
- Just do 'Play', it will compile and run.
You also have 2 choices to run cordova project.
From cordova cli
cordova run android
From Android Studio
- 'Run/Run'
But before running, you must already have downloaded an emulator, or connected a device to deploy on. To download an emulator :
android sdk
(android executable must be in your PATH, as its a part of android sdk, in platform-tools subdirectory) The Android SDK Manager appears, and you just have to choose some "System Image" to download and install it.
Note: You can also use Android Studio
- 'Tools/Android/SDK Manager'
From XCode :
- You can connect an iOS device or use emulators that come with XCode.
This part is only for source code deployment process
This project is generated using Yeoman (
npm (version > 1.2.10) : package manager to get
Node.js scripts -
bower (
npm install -g bower
) : package manager to manage project js dependencies -
grunt (
npm install -g grunt-cli
) -
sass (version > 3.3, we use bourbon lib on v4.0.1 : thoughtbot/bourbon#419, thoughtbot/bourbon#404)
$ npm install
$ bower install
$ grunt build
$ grunt serve
- look your browser
$ cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.file@1.2.0
$ cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.file-transfer@0.4.4
$ cordova plugin add
(cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-network-information crashes on android, due to;a=commit;h=a5e9631258691890f08d94bc784f96aa304c2868)
$ cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.geolocation
$ cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.globalization
cordova plugin add de.appplant.cordova.plugin.local-notification
cordova plugin add
cordova plugins add org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser
Source files are available at A callback has been added on geojson directive to fit map bounds with geojson bounds
* Adrien Denat
* Mathieu Leplatre
* Romain Garrigues
* Éric Bréhault
* OpenSource - BSD
* Copyright (c) Parc National des Écrins - Parc National du Mercantour - Parco delle Alpi Marittime - Makina Corpus