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🐜🐜🐜 Marabunta 🐜🐜🐜

Marabunta is a name given to the migration of the legionary ants or to the ants themselves. Restless, they eat and digest everything in their way.

Marabunta is used to provide an easy way to create Updates for Odoo fast and run easily. It also allows to differentiate between different environment to provide for instance sample data.


After installing marabunta, it will be available as a console command. To run properly it requires a migration file (which defines what has to updated/executed) and odoos connection parameters (view options in the options section.

At each run marabunta verifies the versions from the migration file and and processes new ones. It is very much recommended to configure it, so that marabunta is ran automatically if odoo is started. For instance adding it to your docker entrypoint.


  • backup: Marabunta allows for a backup command to be executed before the migration.
  • addon upgrades: Marabunta is able to install or upgrade odoo addons.
  • operations: Allows to execute commands before or after upgrading modules.
  • modes: Modes allow the user to execute commands only on a certain environment. e.g. creation of sample data on a dev system.
  • maintenance page: publish an html page during the migration.

Versioning systems

Currently Marabunta allows for two different Versioning systems: The classic Major.Minor.Bugfix and the Five digits long versions for OdooMajor.OdooMinor.Major.Minor.Bugfix. Although the first marabunta version must be setup for the initial setup of your instance. (Find out more about the rationale here <>)


option shortcut envvar purpose
--migration-file -f MARABUNTA_MIGRATION_FILE Definition file for the migration.
--database -d MARABUNTA_DATABASE Database we want to run the migration on.
--db-user -u MARABUNTA_DB_USER Database user.
--db-password -w MARABUNTA_DB_PASSWORD Database password.
--db-port -p MARABUNTA_DB_PORT Database port (defaults to 5432).
--db-host -H MARABUNTA_DB_HOST Database port (defaults to None).
--mode   MARABUNTA_MODE Mode marabunta runs in for different envs.
--allow-serie   MARABUNTA_ALLOW_SERIE Allow multiple versions to be upgraded at once.
--force-version   MARABUNTA_FORCE_VERSION Force the upgrade to a version no matter what.
--override-translations   MARABUNTA_OVERRIDE_TRANSLATIONS Force translations override
--web-host   MARABUNTA_WEB_HOST Interface to bind for the maintenance page. (defaults to
--web-port   MARABUNTA_WEB_PORT Port for the maintenance page. (defaults to 8069).
--web-custom-html   MARABUNTA_WEB_CUSTOM_HTML Path to custom maintenance html page to serve.

YAML layout & Example

Here is an Example migration file:

    # This includes general options which are used everytime marabunta is called.
    # --workers=0 --stop-after-init are automatically added
    install_command: odoo #Command which starts odoo
    install_args: --log-level=debug # additional Arguments
    backup: # Defines how the backup should be done before the migration.
      command: echo "backup command on ${DB_NAME}"
      stop_on_failure: true
      ignore_if: test "${RUNNING_ENV}" != "prod"
    - version: setup # Setup is always the initia. version<
        pre:  # executed before 'addons'
          - echo 'pre-operation'
        post:  # executed after 'addons'
          - anthem songs::install
        upgrade:  # executed as odoo --stop-after-init -i/-u ...
          - base
          - document
              - echo 'pre-operation executed only when the mode is full'
              - anthem songs::load_production_data
              - anthem songs::load_sample_data
              - sample_addon

    - version: 0.0.2
      backup: false
      # nothing to do this can be used to keep marabunta and gittag in sync

    - version: 0.0.3
        pre: # we also can execute os commands
          - echo 'foobar'
          - ls
          - bin/
          - echo 'post-op'

    - version: 0.0.4
      backup: false
      override_translations: true
          - popeye

Run the tests

To run marabunta tests, it is a good idea to do an editable install of it in a virtualenv, and then intall and run pytest as follows:

$ git clone
Cloning into 'marabunta'...
$ cd marabunta
$ virtualenv -p YOUR_PYTHON env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install '.[test]'
$ py.test tests