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abmagil edited this page Feb 20, 2013 · 1 revision

The Inference Engine creates new variables. These are interleaved with raw data from the buses to create inference records. These records are as follows:

Variable Name Example Description
inferred-run-id "MISC-463" Run ID (Run Route + Run Number)
inferred-block-id "MTA NYCT_MTA NYCT_20110904EA_CA_38700_MISC-463_41353" Block ID is created by CIS during post-processing GTFS and STIF schedule data.
inferred-trip-id "MTA NYCT_20110904EA_077000_S51_0045_MISC_463" Trip ID, as presented in GTFS. For non-revenue trips or layovers, this may be the revenue following trip.
inferred-route-id "MTA NYCT_S51" Concatenated GTFS Agency ID and Route ID
inferred-direction-id "0" Matches to GTFS. Boolean 0/1 representing two directions of route.
inferred-dest-sign-code "6518" DSC inferred by CIS.
inferred-latitude 40.618339 Latitude in decimal degrees. Inferred coordinates are generated to match the vehicle’s last position to a position directly on the geometry of the trip that it is assumed to be servicing. It is originally intended for the UI, but can be used when post-processing data to smooth out the error involved in GPS positioning.
inferred-longitude -74.069261 Inferred longitude in decimal degrees.
inferred-phase "IN_PROGRESS" Phase inferred by CIS.
inferred-status Statuses are:
  • DEFAULT: The default, normal status.
  • DEVIATED: The vehicle has deviated significantly from its normal route.
  • STALLED: The vehicle has not made any forward progress in a particular amount of time.
Status inferred for the bus
inference-is-formal false Boolean indicating confidence with vehicle inference. True signifies that there is a link between the run in UTS, to the pass number entered by the operator, and the behavior of the vehicle. If true, the returned record may include additional inferred trip and route information even if the vehicle is not in revenue service.
distance-along-block 34194.6 Distance (in meters) since the vehicle began its block
distance-along-trip 9291.5 Distance (in meters) since the vehicle began its current trip.
next-scheduled-stop-id "MTA NYCT_200142" Stop ID (DOT provided Box ID) of next stop according to GTFS.
next-scheduled-stop-distance 187.3 Distance to next stop (in meters).
schedule-deviation 0 Deviation from schedule, in seconds. Only present if inference is “formal.” Negative values indicate early, while positive values indicate delays. When Phase indicates a non-revenue move (e.g. “LAYOVER” or “DEADHEAD”) schedule deviation is the time until scheduled departure of the next revenue trip.
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