- Updated Dockerfile to use pcap-core 5.8.0 - htslib/samtools 1.20
- Update 'Bio::DB::HTS' to version 3.0.1
- Add commandline option for file containing exclude contigs
- Masking of pindel calls where ref == alt implemented to remove invalid calls from pindel output
- Core pindel fix required to resolve the underlying problem
- Adds
option topindel.pl
for use cases where flagging needs to be executed separately or not at all. - Add
option topindel_np_from_vcf.pl
- Creates
using pindel call range instead of legacygff3.gz
- Creates
- Adds new flag FF021, normal panel filtering using pindel call range
- Legacy normal panel filtering remove variants with any overlap with normal panel, looses larger events that we have more confidence in with longer reads.
- This is not included by default in any flag set
- A different normal panel needs to be constructed to use this (
- Nextflow DSL2 worflows
- wrapspindel.pl
, subworkflow included for later use.np_generation
- Generate a normal panel from a list of input BAMs- Handles the complete data generation and conversion to bed/gff3.
- Corrects counting of BWA reads supporting a pindel call
- Long standing issue, impact low unless FFPE data (1/~1m WGS variants moved to PASS in internal test set)
- Corrected logic of
to account for cases where FC > FD
- Addition of
flags - New flag rule set
including FF019 and FF020 made
- Update to core pindel algorithm to allow complex DI events to have longer inserted sequence than deleted
- Masking real events
- Updated Dockerfile to use pcap-core 5.4.0 - htslib/samtools 1.11
- Updated Dockerfile to use pcap-core 5.2.2
- Modified setup script to use build/*.sh
- I/O hardening, see milestone 3
- Handle Input files that may have no reads at all, specifically an issue when generating a normal panel.
- Added Dockerfile and docker documentation
- Tabix search for high depth/excluded regions now performed in memory using IntervalTrees
- Reduces runtime of input step by ~50%
- Improved disk access profile
- Zero impact on results
- 3.0.5 introduced species parsing bug causing single word species names to be invalid.
- Fix regression - ability to cope with chromosomes with no events.
- Incorporates updated pindel which improves sensitivity
- Internally interpret QCFAIL to determine if whole pair fails
- Fixed version tag
- Handles species names with spaces in it
- modified checks for species,assembly and checksum
- Output bug for pindel BAM/CRAM corrected. When more than 1 chr in output files had no reads.
- Changes to how germline filter determined resulted in dummy germline bed file not being generated as previously.
- This release reinstates the old behaviour.
- Correct example rule files for *Fragment.lst files to use FFnnn filter types
- Update tabix calls to directly use query_full (solves GRCh38 contig name issues).
- Germline bed file is now merged for adjacent regions (#31)
- More compressed intermediate files (#55)
- Change to
where appropriate (#41) - Removed TG VG from genotype.
- Readgroups are always variable, often 1 in data from last few years
- Not used by our filters.
- Supports BAM/CRAM inputs
- Output will be aligned with inputs
- bam vs cram
- bai vs csi
- Although ground work for csi input/output has been done
doesn't support csi indexed input yet.- Created our own fork at
so that this could be enabled. - You will need to install this manually or use one of our images for this functionallity.
- Created our own fork at
- Update tabix->query to tabix->query_full
- Force sorting of FILTER field to make records easier to diff.
- Fix sorting of final VCF to handle events with same start better when using comparison tools
Correct read sorting during collection of DI events. Caused some events to be split into many and others to be missed (Thanks to @liangkaiye for patch)
Correct read sorting during collection of DI events. Caused some events to be split into many and others to be missed (Thanks to @liangkaiye for patch)
Correction to sorting of VCF files
Reduces the amount of temporary space required and overall I/O
To process 40 million readpairs (40x Tumour + 40x Normal, chr21, 100bp reads):
Original time:
User time (seconds): 3553.88
System time (seconds): 63.92
Percent of CPU this job got: 159%
Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 37:51.63
File system inputs: 64
File system outputs: 1782080
New time:
User time (seconds): 3572.21
System time (seconds): 74.06
Percent of CPU this job got: 167%
Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 36:15.01
File system inputs: 0
File system outputs: 1139128
Original peak size: 650MB
New peak size: 291MB
~55% reduction in working space and about 40% fewer writes to the file system.
Exactly the same results:
$ diff old/f9c3bc8e-dbc4-1ed0-e040-11ac0d4803a9_vs_f9c3bc8e-dbc1-1ed0-e040-11ac0d4803a9.germline.bed new/f9c3bc8e-dbc4-1ed0-e040-11ac0d4803a9_vs_f9c3bc8e-dbc1-1ed0-e040-11ac0d4803a9.germline.bed
$ diff_bams -a old/f9c3bc8e-dbc4-1ed0-e040-11ac0d4803a9_vs_f9c3bc8e-dbc1-1ed0-e040-11ac0d4803a9_wt.bam -b new/f9c3bc8e-dbc4-1ed0-e040-11ac0d4803a9_vs_f9c3bc8e-dbc1-1ed0-e040-11ac0d4803a9_wt.bam
Reference sequence count passed
Reference sequence order passed
Matching records: 194543
$ diff_bams -a old/f9c3bc8e-dbc4-1ed0-e040-11ac0d4803a9_vs_f9c3bc8e-dbc1-1ed0-e040-11ac0d4803a9_mt.bam -b new/f9c3bc8e-dbc4-1ed0-e040-11ac0d4803a9_vs_f9c3bc8e-dbc1-1ed0-e040-11ac0d4803a9_mt.bam
Reference sequence count passed
Reference sequence order passed
Matching records: 239737
$ /software/CGP/canpipe/live/bin/canpipe_live vcftools --gzvcf old/f9c3bc8e-dbc4-1ed0-e040-11ac0d4803a9_vs_f9c3bc8e-dbc1-1ed0-e040-11ac0d4803a9.flagged.vcf.gz --gzdiff new/f9c3bc8e-dbc4-1ed0-e040-11ac0d4803a9_vs_f9c3bc8e-dbc1-1ed0-e040-11ac0d4803a9.flagged.vcf.gz
Comparing individuals in VCF files...
N_combined_individuals: 2
N_individuals_common_to_both_files: 2
N_individuals_unique_to_file1: 0
N_individuals_unique_to_file2: 0
Comparing sites in VCF files...
Found 15321 SNPs common to both files.
Found 0 SNPs only in main file.
Found 0 SNPs only in second file.