Code repository of publication: Complex rearrangements fuel ER+ and HER2+ breast tumours (Houlahan, Mangiante, Sotomayor-Vivas, Adimoelja et al., 2025)
This GitHub repository contains the following folders:
└─ analysis/: directory containing code used for data analysis
└─ data/: directory containing input data and source data to reproduce figures
| └─ input_data/: input data
| └─ source_data/: source data to reproduce figures
| └─ extended_data/: source data for extended data figs
| └─ figures/: source data for main figs
| └─ supplementary_figure/: source data for supplementary figs
└─ extended_data/: directory code to reproduce extended data figs
└─ figures/: directory code to reproduce main figs
└─ supplementary_tables/: directory containing code to reproduce supplementary tables
└─ supplementary_figures/: directory containing R and other code to reproduce supplementary figures
Kathleen E. Houlahan*, Lise Mangiante*, Cristina Sotomayor-Vivas*, Alvina Adimoelja*, Seongyeol Park, Aziz Khan, Sophia J. Pribus, Zhicheng Ma, Jennifer Caswell-Jin & Christina Curtis. Complex rearrangements fuel ER+ and HER2+ breast tumours, Nature (2025); doi:
For any questions, please contact Kathleen Houlahan or Lise Mangiante or Cristina Sotomayor-Vivas or Alvina Adimoelja