Digital school catalog that holds quick reference material for each school in New York City for the city's Department of Education.
A parent School class and three child classes (PrimarySchool, MiddleSchool, HighSchool).
Classes have the following properties, getters, setters, and methods:
- name (string),
- level (one of three strings: 'primary', 'middle', or 'high')
- numberOfStudents (number)
- all properties have getters
- for the numberOfStudents property
- .quickFacts()
- .pickSubstituteTeacher() (static method) This method takes one parameter substituteTeachers that is an array of strings. The method randomly generates a number between 0 and one less than the length of the substituteTeachers array to use as index and return a substitute teacher.
- extends School
- Properties: pickupPolicy (string)
- extends School
- Does not include any additional properties or methods
- extends School
- Properties: sportsTeams (array of strings)
- Add more properties to each class (averageTestScores, schoolOverview, etc.)
- Create a class called SchoolCatalog that holds a collection of schools.
- Create an instance of SchoolCatalog for primary, middle, and high schools.
- Javascript ES6
NA - It's only coding examples, there's no setup.
Project is: technically finished, but I will probably fix those items in the To-Do list later.
School Catalogue is a Codecademy project.