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CleanArchitecture Project

This project implements the Clean Architecture principles to create a flexible, testable, and maintainable application. The project is structured into several layers, ensuring independence and modularity.

Project Structure

  • CleanArchitecture.Application

    • Contains business logic and application services.
    • Packages: MediatR, AutoMapper, FluentValidation
  • CleanArchitecture.Domain

    • Contains core entities and domain services.
  • CleanArchitecture.Identity

    • Handles authentication and authorization.
    • Integrates with Keycloak for OpenID Connect.
    • Packages: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.OpenIdConnect, Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi, Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.OpenIdConnect, Swashbuckle.AspNetCore
  • CleanArchitecture.Infrastructure

    • Contains infrastructure services.
  • CleanArchitecture.Persistence

    • Manages database operations and Entity Framework Core configurations.
    • Uses MySQL database.
    • Packages: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design, MySql.EntityFrameworkCore
  • CleanArchitecture.Shared

    • Contains shared code and utilities.
  • CleanArchitecture.WebAPI

    • Provides the API layer of the application.
    • Supports Swagger documentation.
    • Packages: MediatR, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer, Swashbuckle.AspNetCore

How to Run

  1. Clone the Project and Restore Dependencies

    git clone
    cd CleanArchitecture
    dotnet restore
  2. Set Up the Database with Migrations

    cd CleanArchitecture.Persistence
    dotnet ef migrations add InitialCommitApplication --context ApplicationDbContext -o Migrations/Application --startup-project ../CleanArchitecture.WebAPI
    dotnet ef database update --context ApplicationDbContext --startup-project ../CleanArchitecture.WebAPI
  3. Run the Application

    • Run each project in separate terminals:
      dotnet run --project CleanArchitecture.WebAPI     
      dotnet run --project CleanArchitecture.Identity    
  4. Access Swagger UI

    • Web API: http://localhost:5079/swagger
    • Identity API: http://localhost:5095/swagger

By following these steps, you can run and develop the CleanArchitecture project effectively.