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FatJar simple API to quick prototyping and portable web services


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FatJar simple API to quick prototyping and portable web services. See Main::main sample class for examples.

For scripting examples, see the main.js and files under resources, building for scripting instructions can be found under "Building FatJar".

Build and coverage status:

Build Status codecov gitter could not deploy

Please check the interfaces like HttpClient, JSON, Server under fatjar package, added sample MyEntity and MyPOJO classes under sample package for DB and JSON operations examples

Please find the swagger.yaml file as an example for service documentation, you can edit yaml files with Online Swagger Editor and you can convert yaml files to json to use with swagger-ui Yaml to JSON Transformer

###Building FatJar

Building from source:

git clone
cd FatJar
mvn clean install

if you want to use scripting engines, you should run the scripting profile, instead of "mvn clean install".

Please note that jython implementation adds around 40MB of code to code base.

mvn clean install -P scripting

You may run other language examples as;


since javascript engine "nashorn" build in to jvm, javascript example should run without scripting profile enabled.

cd FatJar
java -jar target/FatJar-Example.jar src/main/resources/main.js

python example needs the FarJar build with "scripting" profile enabled,

cd FatJar
java -jar target/FatJar-Example.jar src/main/resources/

scala example needs sample-scala profile enabled, and after compilation you may run as

cd FatJar
java -jar target/FatJar-Example.jar





compile 'com.fererlab:FatJar:1.3.0'


libraryDependencies += "com.fererlab" % "FatJar" % "1.3.0"

Usage Examples

to create and start the server

Server.create().listen(80, "").start();

Listen to an http method on a path;


                .listen(80, "")
                .get("/", (req, res) -> {


                .listen(8080, "")
                .get("/", function (req, res) {


              .listen(8080, "") \
              .get("/", lambda req, res: (res.setContent("Welcome"), res.write())) \

To JSON and from JSON example

                .listen(80, "")
                .get("/toJSON", (req, res) -> {
                    res.setContent(JSON.toJson(new MyPOJO("john", 101)));
                .post("/fromJSON", (req, res) -> {
                    MyPOJO myPOJO = JSON.fromJson(new String(req.getBody()), MyPOJO.class);

To make an Http request

                .listen(80, "")
                .get("/httpClient", (req, res) -> {
                    try {
                        String content = HttpClient.create()
                        res.setContent("got content: " + content);
                    } catch (HttpClient.HttpClientException e) {
                        res.setContent("error: " + e);

Sample Test Request

After Main::main start

request :   GET   http://localhost:80/
response:   Welcome
request :   GET   http://localhost:80/Hi
response:   type "http://localhost:80/Hi?name=john" in your browser
request :   GET   http://localhost:80/Hi?name=john
response:   Hello john
request :   GET   http://localhost:80/toJSON
response:   {"age":101,"name":"john"}
request :   GET   http://localhost:80/toXML?name=john
response:   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

Below example creates key value pairs in cache and increments 'number' value by one on every request

request :   GET   http://localhost:80/cache
response:   {"number":1,"key":"value"}

Below example creates and writes to a file under tmp directory

request :   GET   http://localhost:80/file
response:   file content here!
request :   POST   http://localhost:80/fromJSON
            BODY   {"age":101,"name":"john"}
response:   {"age":101,"name":"john"}
request :   POST   http://localhost:80/fromXML
            BODY   <myPojo><name>john</name><age>27</age></myPojo>
response:   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

A database method added, you may find the count, find, insert, update and delete methods under "/db" handler. Please find the persistence.xml file under resources/META-INF for database connection parameters

request :   GET   http://localhost:80/db
response:   {"id":2,"name":"johnny"}

A mongodb method added, you may find the count, find, insert, update and delete methods under "/dbMongo" handler Please find the file under resources for database connection parameters

request :   GET   http://localhost:80/dbMongo
response:   {"address":"Elm Street","name":"john","objectId":{"counter":15787905,"date":1479883525000,"machineIdentifier":14269665,"processIdentifier":29177,"time":1479883525000,"timeSecond":1479883525,"timestamp":1479883525},"phone":"555-4343"}

Example exception throw method

request :   GET   http://localhost:80/throwException
response:   {"error": "fatjar.Server$ServerException: tojsonexception", "request": {...}, "status": "500"}

Below example will make a request to a uri that is not handled

request :   GET   http://localhost:80/notfound
response:   {"error":"fatjar.Server$ServerException","status":"500"}

/badRequest will return html content, this content is created by the Status.STATUS_BAD_REQUEST handler, registered with the .register(Status.STATUS_BAD_REQUEST, ...) method

request :   GET   http://localhost:80/badRequest
response:   <h1>BAD REQUEST!</h1> 
request :   GET   http://localhost:80/httpClient
response:   got content: {"ip": ""}

TEA and AES encryption example

request :   GET   http://localhost:80/encrypt
response:   got content: TEA( clear: 123456 encrypted/decrypted: 123456)
                         AES (clear: 123456 encrypted/decrypted: 123456)

Encrypted and encoded set cookie example

request :   GET   http://localhost:80/setCookie
response:   got content: cookie set
            check cookie: FAT_JAR_EXAMPLE_APP, it is encoded, signed
            you may find COOKIE_CONTENT as the content of the cookie
            and COOKIE_SIGN_KEY as the signed part of the cookie.
            Decoded COOKIE_CONTENT contains EncodedKey which is clear
            EncryptedKey_COOKIE_ENCRYPTED is encrypted.

Encrypted and encoded get cookie example

request :   GET   http://localhost:80/getCookie
response:   got content: EncodedKey:EncodedValue1111 - EncryptedKey:EncryptedValue2222
            these two are the decoded and decrypted values
            which set at the /setCookie call

Metrics example

request :   GET   http://localhost:80/metrics
response:   got content: {"LastRequestTimes":[1480449981544],"ServerCreated":1480449737690,"ServerHostname":"","ServerPort":58071,"ServerServices":"/login,/toJSON,/logout,/cache,/toXML,/file,/db,/httpClient,/badgeFlat,/,/Hi,/fromXML,/dbMongo,/throwException,/getCookie,/fromJSON,/aa/logged,/metrics,/encrypt,/badRequest,/setCookie","ServerStarted":1480449738287,"ServerType":"UndertowServer"}