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Flutter Developer Roadmap 2024

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The Flutter Developer Roadmap 2023 includes Practical exercises that cover all the essential concepts used in day-to-day development.


  • Before starting any practical it's important to conduct research and learn the necessary concepts.

  • As you progress through the practical exercises, make sure to apply the new knowledge you've gained in subsequent exercises. Try to allocate a maximum 5 days to each practical.

Table of contents

Useful References

The references provided are aimed at individuals who have no prior knowledge or experience in developing Flutter apps. They serve as a starting point for beginners in the field, providing basic knowledge that is necessary before diving into Flutter development. If you already have knowledge and experience in Flutter development, you may not need to refer to the provided resources.

Material Component

Practical 1

Design a fitness app

  • Create a Flutter application and Design Static UI.
  • Ensure the app's UI is responsive and adapts smoothly to different screen sizes and resolutions.
  • Use Flutter's Materials Design 3 to enhance your design process.

Practical 2

Develop a News application

  • Home Screen Layout:
    • The home screen should include a toolbar, a floating button, and a section to display news content.
    • Use dummy text and images for the news articles.
      • Toolbar Behavior:
        • Initially, the toolbar should display the app's logo and title.
        • As the user scrolls down to read the news, the toolbar should collapse, allowing more space for content.
        • When the user scrolls back up, the toolbar should expand again, showing the logo and title.
    • Floating Button Animation:
      • Implement an animation for the floating button similar to the example provided here.
      • The button should animate as the user scrolls down and up.
  • Use eye-catching images or placeholders for the news content.
  • Here's UI for reference.

Practical 3

Implement Survey application

  • Home Screen Layout:
    • Display a survey form with the following elements:
      • A question.
      • Four options for each question.
      • A button to proceed to the next question.
  • Use a PageView to display questions, allowing users to swipe or use the next button to navigate between questions.
  • Track progress as the user answers each question, visually indicating the completion status.
  • Survey Completion:
    • Once the user completes the survey, show a pop-up message thanking them.
  • Include at least three questions, each with four options, related to the user's shopping experience.
  • Use eye-catching images or placeholders for the news content.
  • Here's UI for reference

Practical 4

Fitness Journal

  • Develop an app for users to track their fitness activities.
  • Use TextFields to allow users to input the details for their workout type(e.g., running, cycling, etc), duration, date, and notes.
  • Show all entered workout entries on the home screen in a list.
  • Provide options to filter workout entries b by date, type, duration

Navigation and Routing

Practical 5

Implement LeaveTracker App

Create a LeaveTracker application with two screens—Home and Apply-Leave.

  • Home Screen:
    • Implement the UI based on the provided reference.
    • Use a dummy image for the person.
    • Add a Floating Action Button (FAB) on the screen.
    • On tapping the FAB, navigate the user to the Apply-Leave screen.
  • Apply-Leave Screen:
    • Create a form with TextFields for the user to input:
      • Start date of the leave.
      • End date of the leave.
      • Reason for the leave.
    • Add a button to apply for leave. On tapping this button, the user should navigate back to the home screen.
  • Show the applied leave details on the home screen after the user submits the form.
    • The app should be responsive to different resolutions.
  • Use eye-catching images or placeholders for the UI content.
  • Here's UI for reference.

Practical 6

SnapCam App

Create an application where users can preview the camera feed, capture images, and save them to the device's gallery.

  • Home Screen:
    • Show Camera preview
    • Add a button to capture an image.
    • Add a button to show the captured image preview.
    • Include a save button on the toolbar to save the captured image to the device's gallery.
  • Preview Screen:
    • Show the captured image in fullscreen.
    • Add a button to go back to the camera screen.

Practical 7

Implement Navigation for a Messaging application

Create a messaging application with onboard, sign-in, and home screens.

  • Onboard Screen:
    • Show a brief introduction to the app's features such as messaging, voice and video calls, and file sharing.
    • Use images, titles, and subtitles to introduce app functionality.
    • Include buttons for navigating to the next/previous features and a skip button to bypass the onboarding flow.
  • Sign-In Screen:
    • Allow users to enter their email and password.
    • Add validation to ensure the user enters a valid email address and password.
    • Use a dummy email/password for verification.
    • On successful login, redirect the user to the Home screen.
  • Home Screen:
    • Display a screen with three tabs in the persistent bottom navigation bar.
  • Ensure that after a successful login, users cannot navigate back to the login screen.
  • Use go_router for Navigation.
  • Here's UI for reference.

Practical 8

Implement Color Pallate App for the web.

Develop an application with two tabs using Bottom Navigation: Home and Palette.

  • Home Screen:
    • Display a list of list tiles, each representing numbers from 1 to 100.
    • Implement navigation to a detail screen when a list tile is tapped.
    • Allow navigation to the detail screen by passing the number in the web URL.
    • Detail Screen (Home Detail):
      • Show the selected number from the list tile.
  • Palette Screen:
    • Display a grid list of multiple color palettes.
    • Implement navigation to a palette detail screen when a palette is clicked.
    • Detail Screen (Palette Detail):
      • Display a container with a specific color from the selected palette.
      • Add a button to favorite/unfavorite the color.
  • Use go_router for Navigation.
  • Use eye-catching colors to enhance UI.
  • Here's UI for Reference.


Practical 9

Implement OnlineUserDirectory

Create an application with two screens: Home screen and Detail screen

  • Home Screen:
    • Fetch a list of users from the API.
    • Display users in a ListView with drag-and-drop support.
    • Show user summary including name, image, and email.
    • Navigate to the detail screen on user-item click.
    • GET API :
  • Detail Screen:
  • Use the http package for making HTTP requests to fetch data from APIs.

Practical 10

Develop RecipeLister application

Create an application with two screens: Home screen and Detail screen

  • Home Screen:
    • Fetch a list of recipes from the Yummly API (
    • Display recipes in a ListView.
    • Each list item should show the recipe name and a short description.
    • Navigate to the Detail screen by tapping a recipe.
  • Detail Screen:
    • Display detailed information about the selected recipe.
    • Show recipe image, name, and full description.
  • GET API:
  • To access API, log in or create an account to obtain an API key.
  • Use dio for networking.

Practical 11

Develop ImageSaver application

  • Create an application that allows users to download an image from a given URL, display the image on the screen, and store the downloaded image file in the device's internal storage.
  • Screen Details:
    • Implement a single screen with the following components:
      • A TextField to enter the image URL.
      • Buttons to initiate image download and cancel download.
      • Display download progress using a progress bar.
      • Add notification to show downloading progress and add cancel button to cancel downloading
      • Display the downloaded image in fullscreen once the download is complete.
      • Add a button to save downloaded images to the device's gallery.
  • Use dio for networking

Practical 12

Implement Drink Explorer

Create an application that allows users to search for mocktail details by name using an API.

  • Screen Details:
    • Implement a single screen with the following components:
      • A search bar to allow users to search mocktails by name.
      • Default search text in the search bar should be "mocktail" initially, fetching mocktail data upon app launch.
      • on search, display the ingredients and details of the mocktail.
  • GET API :{mocktail}
  • Use dummy data if required.

State Management

Follow the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) pattern to separate the business and presentation logic of an application from its user interface (UI). To achieve a clean architecture, it's better to add one StateNotifier class (ViewModel in MVVM) per screen. Refer to this article series to understand MVVM as state management in Flutter.

Practical 13

Develop the TalkEasy application

Develop an application, TalkEasy, allowing users to send and receive messages between two screens: Sender and Receiver.

  • Sender screen:
    • TextField for entering a message and Button to send the message.
    • When the user clicks the send button, navigate to the Receiver screen and display the message. .* Receiver screen:
    • TextField for entering a message and Button to send the message.
    • When the user enters a reply message and clicks on the button, the replied message should be sent back to the Sender screen and displayed on the screen.
  • Messages should be displayed dynamically on both screens as they are sent and received.
  • Use Provider for State Management

Practical 14

Implement MovieDirectory Application

Develop an application, with a Persistent bottom navigation bar with two tabs: Home and Favorite.

  • Home screen:
    • Display a grid of movies fetched from an API.
    • Show movie posters with their names.
    • Navigate to a detail screen by tapping a movie.
    • Detail Screen:
      • Show detailed information about a selected movie (e.g., title, description, release year).
      • Add a button to add/remove the movie from favorites.
  • On the Favorite screen,
    • Display a list of movies marked as favorites.
    • Provide an option to remove movies from the favorites list.
  • Use flutter_bloc for State Management.
  • GET API:

Practical 15

Implement University directory application

  • Develop an application that allows users to browse and search universities from around the world.
  • Home Screen:
    • Display a dropdown menu to select a country.
    • Fetch and display a list of universities from the selected country using an API.
    • Implement search functionality to filter universities based on user input.
  • GET API -{country name}
  • Use riverpod for state management.

Practical 16

Create My Journal application

Develop an application where users can add and view their daily thoughts, feelings, experiences, and ideas.

  • Implement a single screen that displays user entries in a grid format.
  • Include a text field for users to input their thoughts.
  • Add a button to save the user's thoughts.

Practical 17

Develop MathQuest quiz application

Create a quiz application named MathQuest that presents users with a series of math questions.

  • Home Screen:
    • Provide an introduction to the quiz.
    • Add a button to start the quiz.
  • Quiz Screen:
    • Ask 10 questions one at a time.
    • For each question, display four answer options.
    • Highlight correct/wrong answers upon submission.
    • Show progress as the user answers the questions.
  • Result Screen:
    • Display the number of correct answers out of 10.
    • Show an excellence level based on the score (e.g., poor, good, very good).
    • Add a button to restart the quiz.
  • Implement a Dark/Light theme in the app.
  • You can use any state management library for state management and image to build eye-catching UI.
  • Use injectable and getIt for Dependency Injection.
  • Here's UI for reference.
  • Write unit test for ViewModel.

Practical 18

Implement VideoHub application

VideoHub is an application designed for users to discover and watch videos.

  • Add Sign-in Screen
  • Bottom Navigation Bar
  • Add a bottom navigation bar with three tabs: Home, Subscriptions and Settings.
  • Home Screen:
    • Display a list of videos.
    • Video content with total duration, thumbnail, uploaded time, Like, and total views.
    • Show the video by tapping on it.
      • Video detail Screen:
      • Add an option to play/pause video.
    • Add an option to subscribe and like videos.
  • Like Screen:
    • Show liked videos with thumbnails and description
    • Add option to remove it.
  • Settings Screen:
    • Show User details on the settings screen
    • Add dark/light theme support
  • Use dummy data(You can get it from here)

Practical 19

Create a Global News Tracker application.

The application will display news articles, and support pagination, sorting, searching, advanced filtering, and multiple languages based on user locale.

  • Home Screen:
    • Pagination
      • Fetch and display news articles in batches of 10.
      • Implement infinite scrolling to load more articles as the user scrolls.
    • Implement Search Functionality:
      • Add a search bar at the top of the screen.
      • Implement a search feature that filters the list of news articles based on user input.
      • Update the UI dynamically as the user types in the search bar.
    • Sorting Functionality:
      • Add a sort button next to the search bar that triggers a pop-up for sorting options.
      • Implement sorting by popularity and publication date.
      • Fetch sorted data from the API based on the selected sorting option.
  • Allow Advanced Filters (You can add a Drawer or whatever you like to add advanced filter)
  • Add options for users to filter news by Categories, Country, and Language
    • Possible options by this API:
    • Categories: business, entertainment, general, health, science, sports, technology. Default: all categories.
    • Languages: ar, de, en, es, fr, he, it, nl, no, pt, ru, sv, ud, zh. Default: all languages.
    • country: ae, ar, at, au, be, bg, be, ca, ch, cn, co, cu, cz, de, eg, fr, gb, gr, hk, hu, id, ie, il, in, it, jp, kr, lt, lv, ma, mx, my, ng, nl, no, nz, ph, pl, pt, to, rs, ru, as, se, sg, si, sk, the, tr, tw, ua, us, ve, za. Default: all countries.
  • Detail screen:
    • Navigate to a detailed news screen upon tapping a news item.
    • Display the full news article with all the details.
  • Support multiple languages and display news content based on the user's locale. (No need to add a .arb file for each Locale)
  • Use riverpod for State management.
  • News API: GET
  • generate API key from here
  • Add Unit test for ViewModel

Local Storage

Practical 20

Develop Protasker application

  • Develop an application with three screens: Login, Home, and Detail screens
  • Login Screen:
    • Implement a basic login screen
  • Home screen:
    • Display a list of tasks with subtasks and their creation times.
    • Implement a Floating Action Button (FAB) to add a new task.
    • Allow users to mark tasks as complete/incomplete with a button on each list item.
    • Implement swipe-to-delete functionality for tasks.
    • Display a number of pending tasks on the AppBar.
    • Navigate to the Detail screen when a task item is tapped.
  • Detail screen:
    • Allow the user to edit this task and subtask.
    • Add a button to save the updated data.
  • Use sq_lite to store data
  • Display data from SQLite on the home screen.
  • You can use any state management library.

Practical 21

Develop Authentify

Authentify is an authentication application that allows users to register, login, view their profile details, and log out.

  • Registration Screen:
    • Collect the user's name, email, password, address, date of birth (DOB), blood group, gender, etc.
    • Implement validation for email and password fields.
    • Save user details in the local database.
    • After registering, show a login form
  • Login Form:
    • Allow users to log in using their registered email and password.
    • Validate email input.
    • Notify users to do registration if the email is not registered.
      • Take email and password
      • Check whether the user is available or not. If the user does not exist, notify the user to do registration.
      • Add validation for email.
  • Home Screen:
    • Display user details retrieved from the local database upon successful login.
    • Include options in the toolbar for logging out and deleting the user's account.
    • Maintain user session persistently until logout.
  • Use flutter_bloc for state management.
  • Write unit test for Bloc.

Practical 22

Implement MinionSpeak Application

The application allows users to translate English text into the Minions' language and displays the translated text on the screen.

  • Home Screen:
    • Text field to enter English text.
    • Button to translate text.
    • Display translated text.
    • Add an option to listen to the translated word.
    • Floating Action Button (FAB) to view translation history.
  • History Screen:
    • Display a list of previous translations.
    • Option to delete translation history.
  • GET Request API:{text}

Practical 23

Implement offline-first StoreMate product application

StoreMate is a product browsing application that fetches product data from an API, displays it in a list, and supports offline browsing using local storage.

  • Home Screen:
    • Retrieve and display a list of products from the API using ListView.
    • Show product name, image, and a button to favorite/unfavorite the product.
    • Allow users to view product details by clicking on a product item.
    • Provide an option to view favorite products.
    • Include swipe-to-delete functionality to remove the product.
    • Implement swipe-to-refresh functionality to refresh the local database with remote data.
      • Pagination
        • Fetch and display products in batches of 10.
        • Implement infinite scrolling to load more products as the user scrolls.
  • Product Detail Screen:
    • Display all details of a selected product.
    • Include an option to favorite/unfavorite the product.
  • Favorites Screen:
    • Show a list of favorite products.
    • Allow users to remove individual products or all products from favorites.
    • Support selecting multiple items with a long click and removing all selected products from favorites.
  • The application should have offline functionality, allowing the user to continue browsing products even when they do not have an internet connection.
  • The product data should be first fetched from the local database and then synced with remote API data.
  • You can use any state management library.
  • GET API to fetch all products - Limit and skip -,price Delete item - "PUT" - ''
  • Add unit test for ViewModel


Practical 24

Implement count-down timer application using Stream

The Countdown Timer application allows users to set a timer by inputting hours, minutes, and seconds, and then start/stop the timer.

  • Home screen:
    • Text fields for user input (hours, minutes, and seconds).
    • A button to start/stop the timer.
    • Display remaining and elapsed time.
  • The user should be able to set the duration of the timer and start it.
  • Display a notification, play sound, and vibrate the device when the timer completes.
  • Write Unit test.

Practical 25

Implement a VocabVault app

VocabVault allows users to search for the definitions of words in the English language.

  • Home Screen:
    • A search bar for users to input words.
    • Display a list of matching words as the user types.
    • Show detailed information for a selected word like Definition, Pronunciation, Parts of speech, and Synonyms.
    • Add an option to play pronunciations of words.
  • Make sure the app will not make unnecessary API calls while typing in the search view.
  • Use Streambuilder to render UI.
  • Get API -$word

FireStore Database

Practical 26

Develop EmployeeHub application

This practical involves building an EmployeeHub application with Google Sign-In and Firebase for authentication and Firestore for storing employee data.

  • Sign-in Screen:
    • Display an image, introductory content, and a "Sign in with Google" button.
    • Authenticate the user with Google and Firebase Authentication upon button click.
    • Navigate the user to the home screen after successful sign-in.
  • Home Screen:
    • Display a list of employees with basic details (name and job title).
    • Show full details of an employee upon selection, including contact information, job title, address, DOB, blood group, etc.
    • Allow the user to add new employees with basic information saved locally and to Firestore.
    • Allow the user to update an employee's information by selecting them from the list and editing their details.
    • Allow the user to delete an employee by swiping.
  • Redirect the user to the home screen without asking for authentication if already signed in.
  • Use Firestore to store data.

Practical 27

Create a Contact Keeper application.

Create an application, Conatact Keeper to allow users to add contacts.

  • Home Screen:
    • Show all contacts with name, phone number, and profile.
    • On clicking a contact, show the contact profile.
    • Options to update and delete contact details.
    • Swipe to delete a contact.
    • Option to add a contact with name, multiple phone numbers, profile image, blood group, and address.
  • Contact Detail Screen:
    • Show and edit contact details
    • Option to delete a contact.
  • Fetch all contacts from the user's device and store them in Firestore.
  • The app should also update contacts in real-time, so changes made by one user are reflected across all devices.
  • Use rx_dart for state management.
  • Write Unit test.


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