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React Router v4
2018-05-15 14:21:05 -0700
Full stack

I. Three types of Components:

1. router components

create a history object, 提供“前进”、“后退”

  • <BrowserRouter>: for server that responds to requests
  • <HashRouter>: for a static file server.

2. route matching components

comparing a 's path prop with the current location’s pathname

  • <Route> :包容性路由

    • 3个props:
      • path:匹配路径
      • component:对应的组件
      • render:没有可用组件时,直接render
    • 1个state: - match - match包含4个field:isExact,params,path,url
    • 1个context:
      • router obj
      • router 包含 history,routes
  • <Switch>:排他性路由

        <Route exact path='/' component=	{Home}/>
        <Route path='/about' component={About}/>
        <Route path='/contact' component={Contact}/>
        <Route component={NoMatch}/>
    // when none of the above match, <NoMatch> will be rendered 
    • How ?
      iterate over all of its children elements and only render the first one that matches the current location.
    • Props: component, render, and children

3. navigation components

  • <Link>
  • <NavLink> :a special type of that can style itself as “active” when its ‘to’ prop matches the current location.
  • <Redirect> : navigate using its ‘to’ prop
    • 注意:不是 “函数”,而是“组件”,需要放在render中return
    • 没有路由解析时候,可以直接使用redirect,重定向到默认页面

II. 3种方式renders Component

  • <Route component>
  • <Route render>
  • <Route children>

III. Route在render component同时,传入3个量,作为component的props(不论3中方式的哪一种)

  • match
  • history
  • location

比如render:func( )方式render conponent

// eg1: 
  <Route path="/home" render={() => <div>Home</div>}/>
  // eg2: wrapping/composing
  const FadingRoute = ({ component: Component, }) => (
    <Route {} render={props => (
        <Component {...props}/>
  <FadingRoute path="/cool" component={Something}/>"
  - render props: path、children/render/component、
  - render state:match
  - component props(route所render): history、location、match
  - 因此,eg2中render:func方式,直接将props作为function component的参数传入
    "render={ props => (
          <Component {...props}/>

IV. Route vs Component如何关联

  • Router 将路径 match上之后,会调用相应的 Route, 由Route 将相关的参数:match、location、history等传入到 Component中
  • Route 的 state: match、location 传入到 Component的 props: match、location
  • The Route will render <Dashboard {...props}/> , where props are some router specific things that look like { match, location, history }.
  • If the user is not at /dashboard then the Route will render null. That’s pretty much all there is to it.

V. match.url vs match.path

A match object contains information about how a matched the URL.

  • match:是 routestate;是componentprops
  • Eg: consider the route /users/:userId
    • match.path - (string) 用于匹配路径模式。用于构建嵌套的 ; match.path would be /users/:userId
    • match.url - (string) URL 匹配的部分。 用于构建嵌套的 ; match.url would have the :userId value filled in, e.g. "users/5"."

VI. match.params 表示 url 匹配上的变量值

<Route path="/:id" component={Child} />


URL 后半部分由变量 id 兜住,如果进来的url为/abc,那么 = abc

VII. Eg: Custom Link

Route实际上是 Component 的买办,为Component办事!
Route放在哪个位置,那里就有可能render出它携带的component(只要url match)

<Route path="/abc" component={Child_1} />
<Route path="/abc" component={Child_2} />
<Route path="/abc" component={Child_3} />

VIII. <Prompt>:防止中途跳转


  • 创建一个wrapper,包含<form>, <Prompt>
  • wrapper中设置state.inMiddle,来决定是否render<Prompt>
  • 改变state.inMiddle的根源:form中的input输入框;
    • 只要有任何输入值,就将state.inMiddle置为true
    • 提交form后,将form reset()之后,需要将state.inMiddle置为false
  • Prompt的props:
    • when:检查state.inMiddle
    • message : 决定弹窗的显示信息
class Form extends React.Component {
  state = {
    isBlocking: false

  render() {
    const { isBlocking } = this.state;

    return (
        onSubmit={event => {
            isBlocking: false
          message={location =>
            `Are you sure you want to go to ${location.pathname}`

        placeholder="type something"
        onChange={event => {
            isBlocking: > 0

