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CICD demo using Drone, Gogs, Minikube on OS X platform


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CI/CD - Drone, Gogs and Minikube on OS X

Docker-Compose is used to instantiate the environment and run locally. The GOGS container uses Sqlite3 and provides persistent storage for your repos.

There are 3 GIT branches plus the master branch:

  • The Master branch is leveraging docker hub as a registry with minikube virtualbox.
  • Branch cicd-localreg is leveraging a local registry with virtualbox.
  • Branch cicd-hyperkit is leveraging docker hub as a registry with minikube hyperkit driver
  • Branch cicd-localreg-hyperkit is leveraging a local registry with minikube hyperkit driver

Software Requirements

You'll need the following software:

How to use

Section 1: Bootstrapping

NOTE: If you already have a version of minikube installed, you can try to use that environment. However, I haven't tested it. This app is written for greenfield.

  • Open a terminal:

    • clone this repo
    • cd cicd-demo
    • Enter source ./ to load the environmental variables.
  • We are going to use the script. This script will start up minikube. However, it will delete any instance of minikube that you have. Edit this file if you don't want to delete anything! The commands you might want to comment out are:

    • minikube delete

    • sudo rm -rf ~/.minikube

    • sudo rm -rf ~/.kub

    • When you're good to go, type: ./ Answer the prompts as indicated.

  • Enter docker-compose up -d to start up Drone and Gogs. When the script is done, run docker ps and you should see containers: dc-gogs and dc-drone-server. Also, run: docker network ls and make sure you see a network named cicd-demo_default.

Section 2: Set up GOGS

  • Open a browser to http://localhost:3000 (port 3000 is defined in the yaml file).

    • Use SQLite3
    • Set the Domain to: dc-gogs
    • SSH port: clear this field (blank).
    • Set 'Application URL' to: dc-gogs and port 3000 . ie, http://dc-gogs:3000
    • Create an admin user
    • Hit submit. Note that the browser might not refresh. Just open another browser to http://localhost:3000 , login and create a repo called: cicd-app. You must name this exactly as indicated.
  • Go back to your terminal, type: cd cicd-app Enter:

    • git init
    • git add .
    • git commit -m "My 1st commit"
    • git remote add origin http://localhost:3000/<repo-name>/cicd-app.git
    • git push -u origin master
    • check your repo to make sure the files are present.

Section 3: Set up DRONE

  • Open another browser to http://localhostand enter your user info you created earlier in the Gogs setup. Wait for DRONE to sync. Do not activate the repo yet.

  • We need to grab a few Drone environmental variables. Go to User Settings (upper right ICON) and copy the DRONE_SERVER and DRONE_TOKEN variables. It looks something like this:

      export DRONE_SERVER=http://localhost
      export DRONE_TOKEN=u4C5ghLKVTdafadjfldjfladfjaFDRs
  • Go back to your open terminal and paste these in. Run drone info to check if things are working.

  • We need to set up secret keys next. We'll be setting up 5 keys using these key words: DOCKER_PASSWORD, DOCKER_USERNAME, KUBERNETES_CERT, KUBERNETES_SERVER and KUBERNETES_TOKEN. We'll be working from two different terminal windows, (you can work from a single terminal but the screen will get cluttered). You'll need the IP address of your computer. In your opened terminal, enter the following keys:

      drone secret add --name KUBERNETES_SERVER --allow-push-on-pull-request --repository <your repo you created in gogs> --data <IP of your computer:8001>

    Example: drone secret add --name KUBERNETES_SERVER --allow-push-on-pull-request --repository johnsmith/cicd-app --data

      drone secret add --name DOCKER_USERNAME --repository <the one you created in gogs> --data <your docker hub name>

    Example: drone secret add --name DOCKER_USERNAME --repository johnsmith/cicd-app --data johnsmith

      drone secret add --name DOCKER_PASSWORD --repository <the one you created in gogs> --data <your docker hub password>

    Eample: drone secret add --name DOCKER_PASSWORD --repository johnsmith/cicd-app --data mypassword

  • We need to copy the cert and token from K8's next. We'll capture the cert first. Open another terminal window to work from and enter:

      kubectl get secret -n default  -o yaml | grep 'ca.crt:' | awk -F ": " '{ print $2 }' | pbcopy
    • The above command copied the cert value to your clipboard

    • Go back to your original terminal and type:

        drone secret add --name KUBERNETES_CERT --repository <the one you created in gogs> --data <paste from your clipboard>
  • Next we'll capture the token. Go to the back to the terminal window where you have been running the kubectl commands and type:

      kubectl get secret -n default  -o yaml | grep 'token:' | awk -F ": " '{ print $2 }' | base64 --decode | pbcopy
    • The above command copied the decoded token value to your clipboard

    • Go back to your original terminal and type:

       drone secret add --name KUBERNETES_TOKEN  --repository <the one you created in gogs> --data <paste from your clipboard>
  • Type: drone secret ls <your repository> and you should see 5 keys.

Section 4: CICD in Action

  • Go to your Drone browser window you opened earlier, tap the ICON on the upper left:

    • Select activate
    • Select activate again.
    • In the next window, select the Trusted check box and hit save
  • Go to your Gogs browser and into your repo, (you should already at this location).

  • On the right hand side select the settings link.

  • On the left hand side, select the tab for webhooks.

  • You should then see a link in the center of the page for http://dc-drone-server/hook, select it, and scroll towards the bottom of the page; there is a button for Test Delivery. If things are correct you should make a successful connection, (scroll down the page to see the result).

  • Go to your repository in Drone, click into the job run. Drone should start executing the job (if it hasn't already). If the job fails, it might of timed out. Just hit the RESTART button in Drone. Wait for the job to complete successfully.
  • In your terminal window type:
    • kubectl get pods to check that the status is Running. It might take a few moments.
    • minikube service cicd-app A browser window should open with the html page of the demo.

Section 5: Make some changes

  • The demo is only designed to create new services. To make changes you'll need to delete the current deployment and services on K8s. First lets just take a look at what's been deployed on K8s, type:

    • kubectl get deployments
    • kubectl get services
  • We need to delete these; type these two commands:

    • kubectl delete service cicd-app
    • kubectl delete deployment cicd-app
  • In your terminal window, you should currently be in the cicd-app directory: cd templates

  • There's an index.html file in there. Make some changes, add, commit, push to git and watch Drone kick off the job.

  • In your terminal window type: minikube service cicd-app. A browser window should open with the html page of with your changes.

Section 6: Clean up

To re-run this demo, we need to clean up things: shutdown and remove the containers, and delete the GOGS database. There's a script in the cicd-demo directory call that you could use. CAUTION! Please note this script isn't very robust so you might want to clean up things without using this script.

You'll need to delete these files, if you decide to do this manually.

  • Shut down and remove containers: dc-drone-server and dc-gogs
    • docker rm -f <container name>
  • In the cicd-demo directory, delete the gogs and drone directories.
    • rm -rf <directory name>
  • In the cicd-app directory, delete the hidden git directory :
    • rm -rf .git
  • Minikube will be deleted when you re-run this demo. If you choose, you can delete it now, type:
    • minikube stop
    • minikube delete
    • Optionally:
      • sudo rm -rf ~/.minikube
      • sudo rm -rf ~/.kub (this directory might not exist)
  • Close any remaining terminal windows


  • Are all the containers in the same network?
    • docker network inspect cicd-demo_default
  • Did you use the name dc-gogs when installing GOGS?
  • Is the terminal window running kubectl proxy --address='' --disable-filter=true still open? This was instantiated during the minikube install and needs to keep running.
  • It's easy to make mistakes setting up the 5 keys. You might need to re-create them if you think that is the issue. You can remove the secret keys by typing: drone secret rm --name <key name> --repository <repository name>
  • Look at the Drone build log and see which part of the build is failing.
  • Did you load the environmental variables?
  • Are you running the most recent versions of Minikube and Kubectl?

To Do

  • Use the hyperkit driver


CICD demo using Drone, Gogs, Minikube on OS X platform








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