A guide on how to setup your new apple silicon mac for development. This repo does not include any specific tech-stacks. Rather, it focuses on the basics of system setup that almost every setup will benefit from.
- Make sure you have a stable and fast internet connection. Setting up a new machine requires lots of downloads.
- Please run one step at a time and allow it to succeed before starting next steps.
- Open this repo in a browser on your earlier mac to follow the first few steps from its readme before you can open it on your new apple silicon mac.
Setup your user account and log into your Apple account during initial system setup. You may need your old mac to get the 2-factor authentication code to log into your new machine
Update your macOS to the latest version available first thing as a best practice
Login to github and open the readme in this repo:
on Safari to follow the rest of these steps. -
A) If airdrop is working for you and you want to use your existing ssh key, AirDrop your existing SSH keys (either id_rsa and id_rsa.pub OR id_ed25519 and id_ed25519.pub) to your apple silicon mac and put them in ~/.ssh folder
mkdir ~/.ssh cp ~/Downloads/id_rsa* ~/.ssh OR cp ~/Downloads/id_ed25519* ~/.ssh
OR B) Generate a new pair by following Github's instructions and upload to github keys page after logging into github on Safari.
Install XCode command line tools
xcode-select --install
If you need Xcode, please login to your apple account in AppStore and download/install Xcode. After Xcode installation completes, launch Xcode and accept the license agreement, then wait for it to install components. Then, set the command-line tools directory to point to Xcode:
sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer
Install Rosetta 2 (which is the x86_64 emulation layer for M1s and will allow running legacy intel architecture programs on M1):
/usr/sbin/softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license
Install Homebrew using following in arm Terminal:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
- Clone this repo on your apple silicon mac:
cd ~ git clone git@github.com:caremerge/setup-apple-silicon-mac.git
- Open the arm Terminal and execute:
Above command should print /opt/homebrew/bin/brew if you are in the arm terminal. If not, you are not in arm terminal. Please make sure you are in the arm terminal for below commands to run brew cask and cli installs:
which brew eval $(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv); # if brew is not detected which brew # should be detected now
This command will install CLI and GUI apps for your new apple silicon mac including Slack, Zoom, Chrome, Sequel Pro, PSequel, and others. Please inspect above scripts if you want to find out what exactly is being installed.cd ~/setup-apple-silicon-mac zsh arm-brew-cli.sh zsh arm-brew-cask.sh zsh opt-brew.sh # this is optional, please look into opt-brew.sh file to see the programs that will install
- Open Finder, goto Applications folder, then open the Utilities folder in it. There will be Terminal app in the utilities folder. Right click Terminal app in Finder and click
Get Info
. In the info tab, checkopen using Rosetta
checkbox. From now on we will use iTerm asthe arm terminal
as it will execute arm binaries by default and we will use the Terminal app asthe rosetta terminal
as it will execute binaries in x86_64 mode by default. Close all original and duplicated terminal windows by selecting Quit from menu or icon right-click before re-opening for next commands. - If you use Visual Studio Code, open Visual Studio Code on your old computer, turn Settings Sync on by going to preferences and hitting the
Turn on Settings Sync
button and following its steps to upload your visual studio code settings to github. Next, open Visual Studio Code on apple silicon mac and turn on settings sync using the same account. If prompted, selectReplace local config
option to override local settings with your old machine's vscode settings.
- Open arm iTerm for below steps unless otherwise specified.
- Clone macos-setup repo, and run the macos-playbook.yml:
This playbook will prompt you for your name and email and your preferred command line editor during its execution so that it may configure the system appropriately. Please keep an eye on the run for these prompts.
cd ~ git clone git@github.com:caremerge/setup-macos.git cd setup-macos ansible-playbook macos-setup.yml --verbose
- For finishing vim config, run the following in Terminal.app for this step only(
which brew
should print /usr/local/bin/brew):vim +PlugInstall +qall vim '+PlugClean!' +qall
- Open iTerm Preferences, open Profiles tab, then text section and check
use a different font for non-ascii text
and select the font whose name starts withMeslo
from the font selector to enable vim and powerline features correctly. If you do not like meslo, you can head over to powerline fonts repo on github, download your favorite font, install it and then select that font from the iTerm font menu. - Run the following commands to fix oh-my-zsh warnings ONLY IF you encouter warnings on iTerm / Terminal starup:
chmod o-w /opt/homebrew/share/zsh /opt/homebrew/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/local/share/zsh /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions chmod g-w /opt/homebrew/share/zsh /opt/homebrew/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/local/share/zsh /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions
- Restart both iTerm and Terminal.app as needed to start using oh-my-zsh, zsh plugins and nodejs binaries.
GUI apps:
- slack
- visual-studio-code
- zoom
- iterm2
- sequel-ace
- psequel
- google-chrome
- firefox
- sublime-text
- sublime-merge
- postico
- tunnelblick
Homebrew/command-line apps:
- vim
- zsh
- liquidprompt
- the_silver_searcher
- aria2
- wget
- tree
- jq
- ack
- cmake
- cowsay
- tmux
- lynx
- nmap
- binutils
- inetutils
- htop
- cloc
- coreutils
- findutils
- readline
- lua
- moreutils
- mc
- screen
- gh
- elinks
- git
- fzf
- awscli
- ansible
- speedtest-cli
- bat
- glances
- exa
- git-delta(delta)
- tldr
- procs
- httpie
Optional commercial apps:
- istat menus
- ngrok
- beyond compare
- goodsync
- tableplus
Optional OSS apps:
- licecap
- vlc
- caffeine