CARLA 0.9.3 (development)
Compiled version
CARLA_0.9.3.tar.gz[Windows] (Experimental)
- New Town04 (biggest so far), includes a freeway, new bridge and road barrier, a nicer landscape based on height-map, and new street props
- New Town05, adding more variety of intersections for the scenario runner
- Redesigned pedestrian models and animations (walk and idle) for male and female characters
- Added sensor for detecting obstacles (ray-cast based)
- Added sensor GNSS (GPS)
- Basic agent integrated with global router
- Added a few methods to manage an actor:
- set_velocity: for setting the linear velocity
- set_angular_velocity: for setting the angular velocity
- get_angular_velocity: for getting the angular velocity
- add_impulse: for applying an impulse (in world axis)
- Renamed vehicle.get_vehicle_control() to vehicle.get_control() to be consistent with walkers