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Command List

Carl Bennett edited this page Feb 26, 2017 · 8 revisions

The following commands can be used within any bot profile.

Command Description
//cls Clears this profile's chat log. (Hotkey: F4)
//config Opens the configuration dialog. (Hotkey: F3)
//disconnect Disconnects this profile from (Hotkey: F2)
//exit Disconnects all profiles and closes the bot. (Hotkey: Alt+F4)
//fakejoin <game> Makes think you entered a <game>.
//force <channel> Forces you into a <channel>.
//home Forces you into your home channel, otherwise requests a first-join from
//leave Forces you out of chat; only friends will be able to chat with you.
//lenny [message] Types [message] ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) to the chat.
//ping [username] Pings [username] or yourself if [username] omitted.
//pingme Pings yourself.
//profile [username] [GAME] Opens a profile dialog for you or [username].
//proxy <server[:port]|on|off> Sets the proxy host and/or toggles proxy use.
//pvpgn [text] Sends //[text] to
//reconnect Reconnects this profile to (Hotkey: F1)
//rejoin Forces you out of then back into the current channel.
//shrug [message] Types [message] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ to the chat.
//time Announces your system's time to the channel.
//update Checks to see if there are updates to the bot.
//uptime Announces the uptime of your system, bot, and connection.
//utf8 Toggles UTF-8 encoding for this profile.
//version Announces the version of this bot to the channel.
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