Personal Finances is a simple personal finances managament system. With it you can manage your finances inserting your expenses and your savings in a custom created account and divide them by category and by subcategory. Do you usually use credit cards? No problem! Personal Finances now supports credit cards. If you want, you also can aggregatte your movements by project, where you can define a end date and a budget if necessary. You also are able to get reports where you can filter by account, category, project, accounting date and others.
- Debit and credit movements insertion
- Transfers between accounts
- Credit cards
- Custom categories and subcategories
- Custom Projects
- Custom accounts
- Analytical view (total credit, balance, balance on month) of accounts and categories
- Reports
1.0.2 - 03/09/2019
- New feature: credit cards
- Bug fixes
1.0.1 - 02/21/2019
- Performance increase
- UI adjusts
- New features: projects and reports
1.0.0 - 01/21/2019
- First version of project
- Front-end
- HTML, CSS and JavaScript (views are rendered with Razor engine)
- Back-end
- C#
- Data access
- Entity Framework 6 (with LINQ expressions)
- Frameworks
- Plugins and Libs
- Bootstrap 3.3.7
- jQuery 3.3.1
- DataTables 1.10.18
- Bootstrap Datepicker
- jQuery Mask 1.14.15
- Others
- AdminLTE (app template)
- Dependencies
- A relational database like SQL Server, SQLite, MySQL or PostgreSQL (go to Entity Framework 6 Providers to see the supported providers)
- Clone this repository
- Configure your connection string on
(see Connection Strings Reference if you need help) - Make sure that
variable istrue
to seed the database on the next step - Generate and seed the database with the command
on Package Manager Console - Build and run the application