🤔 About me
- I'm an aspiring programmer. I am interested in several programming languages, namely, for example: Windows Form: Vb.net, C#; Web design: Nodejs, Ruby, Jekyll, Gulp, Sass, Js, Jquery, etc.
- I created this profile with the intention of, in addition to publishing achievements and projects, also, if possible, receiving tips from more experienced programmers, in order to progress in my learning and personal development.
We are currently looking for new donators to help and maintain this project of personal development! ❤️ By donating, you will help the development of this project, and *you will be featured in this carloshmarques's README.md*, so everyone can see your kindness and visit your content ⭐.
- Learning Gulpjs
- Património gastronómico, natural, cultural artesanal e arquitetónico da região de Aveiro, Parte 1
- Como limpar cache do seu computador, com ficheiro CMD
Enjoy! 😃
See the license in the 'LICENSE' file.
Watch the changes in the 'CHANGELOG.md' file.
- Thanks to Rafaella Ballerini
Thanks for the tips on how to make the profile, the links to the icons and everything else, although I created the profile from a template, it helped me a lot to start the profile.
**Made with a lot of ❤️❤️ by @carloshmarques